Winners Of World Humor Awards 1st Edition-Italy نتائج مسابقة الفكاهة العالمية في إيطاليا



Winners Of World Humor Awards 1st Edition-Italy
نتائج مسابقة الفكاهة العالمية في إيطاليا

And Here’s the prizes of the first edition of the “world humor awards”!
The Award ceremony will be held in salsomaggiore the premises of the show, at the spa baistrocchi, Sunday 25 September at 18,30.Congratulations to the winner for the theme “climate change” Elena Ospina /Colombia, to the winner for the caricature achille arrogant /Italy, the other winners and to all the participants who, for the high level of entries, have made the very difficult Work of the jury.

Theme: Climate Change (climate change)




Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة


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