32nd InternationalNasreddin Hoca Caricature …مسابقة نصر الدين خوجا الـ 32 في تركيا


32nd InternationalNasreddin Hoca Caricature
مسابقة نصر الدين خوجا الـ 32 في تركيا

الموضوع : حر
ترسل الأعمال قبل 31/8/2012 إلى العنوان التالي:
*32 Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarışması*
Karikatürcüler Derneği, Alemdar Caddesi,
Yerebatan Sarnıcı Çıkışı
34122 Istanbul / TURKEY
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية والشرفية والخاصة


32nd InternationalNasreddin Hoca Caricature

*Conditions of Participation at the Competition*

*1. *The Competition is open to all the caricaturists of the world.
*2 .* Caricaturist can send their published or unpublished caricatures to
the Competition. The necessary condition is that the caricatures send must
not awarded by any competition organization.
*3.* The caricatures send must be “original work”.
*4.* There is no subject limitation for caricatures.
*5.* A caricaturist can take part in the Competition with maximum 3
*6.* The dimensions of caricatures must not be larger than 30×40 cm.
*7.* Caricaturist must add a document into the envelope in which we can
find her/his name, surname, address, telephone number, country and a short
biography of the artist.
*8. *The caricatures send must arrive until August 31, 2012 (due time) to
the address given. The results will be made public on September 10, 2012.
*9.* All the caricatures which will take part in the Competition will be
preserved at ‹stanbul Museum of Caricature and Humor.
*10.* All the caricatures taken part in the Competition will be  collected
in an album . The Jury will select  the caricatures for  the album and for
the exhibition.
*11.* The Album of the Competition will be sent to the artists who created
the works.
*12. *The caricaturists taken part in the Competition shall be counted as
accepted the Conditions of Participation at

the Competition.

The First  Award is 5.000$
Award of  Merit (for 5 caricaturists) is 1.000 $
*Special Awards:*
(Special Awards will be established by different institutions, associations,
Newspapers, art periodicals, trade unions, agents and individuals.)

*32 Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarışması*
Karikatürcüler Derneği, Alemdar Caddesi,
Yerebatan Sarnıcı Çıkışı
34122 Istanbul / TURKEY
Tel : +90 (212) 513 60 61
Tel : +90 (212) 519 90 21
Fax : +90 (212) 527 26 18
WEB : www.karikaturculerdernegi.com
E-mail : info@karikaturculerdernegi.org

karikatürist / mimar

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة


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