The “SALT & PEPPER” MAGAZINE, Bucharest / Romania, Edition 2023



The “SALT & PEPPER” MAGAZINE, Bucharest / Romania, Edition 2023

مسابقة الملح والفلفل الدولية- رومانيا
الموضوع الملح والفلفل+ موضوع الظل
يمكن المشاركة بعملين فقط في كل قسم وترسل الرسوم قبل 2023/10/1
إلى الايميل التالي
ستوزع جوائز شرفية فقط

1. Themes
A. Salt and/or Pepper
B. Light and Shadow, literally or conceptually, defining:
bright/dark, beautiful/ugly, moral/immoral, peace/war, joy/anger, life/death, love/hate etc.
We are expecting meaningful and cleaver works at a high artistic level
2. Participants
Only individual participants, over 18 years old, regardless of their gender, nationality or country of residence. The
works must be the author’s propriety and must be sent only by the author himself.
3. Art works
May be done in black & white or in colour
Each participant may submit Max. 2 (two) works on each theme
Good quality images of signed works
by e-mail: JPG, JPEG format, Max. 800 KB/work & 300dpi resolution
No captions and texts are accepted (text means one or more letters / digits / any characters or signs)
The participating works must not be previously published or awarded
No works with “adult content” or regarding real individuals or organisations will be accepted, regardless of their
artistic quality; organizers own the right do not admit in the Salon works that may attempt against individual and/or
collective rights – anyway all responsibility for any possible attempt against individual and/or collective rights is only on the authors –
4. Technique: It’s free of choice; in 2 (two) dimensions but no photographic art; no printed or photocopies or coloured copies
5. Deadline of receiving works: 1/10/2023
6. Participation
Will be accepted only ONE e-mail per participant, containing all works,
ENTRY FORM (word) and the personal photo/cartoon self portrait – Max. 250KB, Max. 300dpi, JPG, JPEG format,
The completed ENTRY FORM is mandatory
7. Awards
Prizes will be available per each theme. The prizes consist in exposure on the Salon’s website of:
name and surname, personal photo/cartoon, works, technique, dimensions, price/work as follows:
1st prize: 10 (ten) works including the awarded work
2nd prize: 5 (five) works including the awarded work
3rd prize: 3 (three) works including the awarded work
Nominated: 1 (one) work, the selected one in the first 10 ranked works after the prized works
“Salt & Pepper” Magazine
Bucharest, Romania
The first ranked 10 (ten) works on each theme will be exposed on the web-site.
The Diplomas and the poster of the edition will be send by e-mail to all accepted participants
The works will be exposed if these respond to all criteria and conditions mentioned in this document.
The Jury is entitled do not award one or more prizes according to their art’s criteria.
The jury decision cannot be appealed.
8. Winners
Participants whose works are selected to be awarded will be notified by e-mail
Into Max. 15 days after announcing prizewinners, they must send by e-mail their works according to all the above.
mentioned conditions.
The author which don’t respect rules will be replaced by the next selected author and will not be awarded.
9. Jury
An international jury; the jury’s panel will be announced
10. Submission addresses
The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon, 2023
By e-mail:
11. Other specifications
The album of the Salon will be edited in electronic format, if possible.
The works will not be returned.
The “Salt & Pepper” Magazine and The International “Salt & Pepper” Satirical Art Salon reserve the right to archive,
exhibit and publish themselves or by authorization, the received works in mass-media specifying the author’s name
and country, without limitation and any compensation to the authors.
The Salon and Magazine do not sell anything and does not involve and is not responsible
in any business transactions between authors and their beneficiaries.
Participation into International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon means the acceptance of all of the above regulations.
“Have enough salt and pepper in your life to be healthful, happy and full of humor!”
The International “Salt & Pepper” Satirical Art Salon





Raed Khalil
موقع الكارتــون الســـوري
مدير الموقــع: رائد خليـــل
جميع الحقــوق محفوظــة

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