Cancellation of the First Prize – HumoDEVADeva, Romania, 2017 تعديل في نتائج مسابقة ديفا الدولية في رومانيا


Cancellation of the First Prize –  HumoDEVADeva, Romania, 2017
تعديل في نتائج مسابقة ديفا الدولية في رومانيا

Dear Cartoonist,

340 artists, from 67 countries, with 1955 works (1969 received!) have been  selected in The 11th HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, Deva, Romania, 2017.


A few days ago, with quite delay, Louis Pol sent to us the drawing you can find below, that was published in the Belgrad 2016 catalog (Zoo), at page 99.

PoL - Belgrade 2017 mai mic.jpg

The drawing has a striking resemblance to the drawing below, that we prized at the contest.

DA SILVEIRA Rodrigo - Brazil - Knowledge mic.jpg

We don’t accuse Rodrigo da Silveira of plagiarism or something like that, might be a simple coincidence of ideas. But the drawing made by Rodrigo lost its originality, an important quality for a cartoon that’s to win a contest.

As a follow up, with regret, having to consider all this, we decided to cancel this First Prize ex aequo awarded at HumoDEVA 2017, Romania contest.

The updated list for the HumoDEVA 2017 prizes can be found here.

From here you can download the HumoDEVA 2017 catalog.

On behalf of the jury,


Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة


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