results Of The International Cartoon Festival Ymittos/Greece,2016 نتائج مسابقة يوميتوس في اليونان


results  Of The International Cartoon Festival Ymittos/Greece,2016
نتائج مسابقة يوميتوس في اليونان

RESULTS Of The International Cartoon Festival Ymittos/Greece,2016


1st Prize  Passaprawas Achinoboonwat /Thailand
2nd Prize  Benjamin AleAli /Iran
3rd Prize  Ali Divandari/ Iran
4th Prize  Efat Amjadipoor /Iran
5th Prize  Heibat Ahmadi /Iran


1 Abedin Mohammadi /Iran
2  Julian Pena-Pai /Romania
3  Gergely Bacsa / Hungary
4 Hamid Soufi /Iran
5 Karry Julio Angel Carrion Cueva /Peru
6 Luc Descheemaeker/ Belgium
7 Ilker Isikci  / Turkey
8. Estela Peralta /Colombia



The Jury

The Jury has decided Prizes and praise. They will be officially announced at the event on 5 November after 7 pm.
Τransmissions will be live through facebook
The Jury has finalized the 16 Cartoonists proposed for 5 Prizes and 10 Praises.
The ranking will be completed in the coming days and on November 5 will become the event and the award of prizes and praises.

Peter Nieuwendijk Holland Cartoonist, President General Federation of Cartoonists
Βernard Βouton French Cartoonist, Vice President General & Treasure Treasurer General
Marianna Psylla Professor, President of Dept of Communication, Media & Culture Panteion University
Alexandros Loukissas Painter, Teacher of Art
Apostolos Koursovitis Greek Cartoonist
Yiannis Kaltsas Coordinator of Festival (without Vote)

List Of Participants

Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة



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