International Festival Of Humour And Satire “IN VINICA VERITAS”/Macedonia,2016 المهرجان الدولي للفكاهة والسخرية “في فينيكا فيريتاس” / مقدونيا



International Festival Of Humour And Satire “IN VINICA VERITAS”/Macedonia,2016
المهرجان الدولي للفكاهة والسخرية “في فينيكا فيريتاس” / مقدونيا،

الموضوع: على جزيرة الصحراء
يمكن المشاركة ب 3 رسوم بحجم 21×29سم وترسل قبل  22-9-2016 إلى
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المادية

Theme:On a desert island
1.One author can take participations with 3 caricatures,but not more than 3.
2.The size of the cartoons should be A4 or A3.
3.The cartoons can be sent in their orginal version or via e-mail
4.The House of Culture provides the following awards:
-First prize:300 euro
-Secound prize:200 euro
-Third prize:100 euro
5.The works should be sent at the address:
House of Culture “TosoArsov”Vinicaul.”Belkamen”13,Macedonia indicated for the competition “In VinicaVeritas”

-The works should be sent by 22 September 2016
6.The authors will recieve awards at The Festival Of Humour And Satire “IN VINICA VERITAS” held
3-7 October 20167.The organizer of the festival keeps the rights to use the awarded works at any time.
8.The recieved the caricatures will not  be sent to the participants of the competition.
Person for contact Slavcho Danev ,phone number:+389[0]33361 150,++389[0]71/249-326
Municipal facility,House of Culture

Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة


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