About The 2nd Holocaust Cartoon & Caricature Exhibition+Poster حول مسابقة الهولوكوست
About The 2nd Holocaust Cartoon & Caricature Exhibition+Poster
حول مسابقة الهولوكوست
قال مسعود شجاعي طباطبائي مدير مسابقة الهولوكست إن عدد المشاركين بلغ أكثر من 50 دولة حول موضوع المحرقة..وتساءل عن الممارسات بحق الشعب الفلسطيني…ورحب بالمشاركات الأوربية التي تدين الأعمال الصهيونية بحق الشعوب..ومن جهة أخرى، لفت إلى الجوائز التي ستمنح في القسمين الكارتون والكاريكاتور..
وجدير بالذكر أن المعرض يقام من 14/5 حتى تاريخ 31/5 حيث سيعلن عن الفائزين في المسابقة..
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai ,Secretary of the 2nd International ” Holocaust” Cartoon and Caricature contest said: ” In this contest we don’t want to deny or prove Holocaust, something that is important to us is that ” why should the oppressed Palestinian people pay compensation for the Holocaust?
He mentioned: “Our next question is that why they don’t apart a piece of Germany to give to Jews?! Palestinian people had no role in the second world war, and in 1948 occupation of Palestine was virtually announced and then they said the reason is that we occupy Palestine because Holocaust happened in Germany?
He said:” The contest was held in two parts, Cartoon and Caricature. In Caricature section the main subjects were Netanyahu and Hitler that you can see the caricatures in the exhibition.
Secretary of the 2nd International Holocaust Cartoon and Caricature Contest added: ” Some Zionist media want to change meaning of the contest . They say that Holocaust Contest wants to deny Holocaust event and ridicule second world war’s victims an killed Jews.” but world caricaturists considered Zionist regime roots in contemporary Holocaust in Gaza and Palestine.
He noted: ” In this contest artists from 50 world countries presented their artworks. Artworks of these artists are exhibited now. In this time of contest we witness the great presence of West and Europe caricaturists, and most of the European participants are from France. We also see the presence of non- Muslim countries like Brazil and China. These artists saw the standpoint of our announcement and understood that we are not denying Holocaust, but we want to mention the oppression of Palestinian people. They accepted our logic and sent their artworks for the contest.
Shojai Tabatabai about the number of Participants of this contest mentioned that: ” 864 artworks from artists of 50 countries has been send to the secretariat of the 2nd International Holocaust contest. Time of exhibition is from today 14th May to 30 May 2016.”
Secretary of the 2nd International Holocaust Caricature Contest noted about prizes of the contest are in two sections of Cartoon and Caricature. In Cartoon section we give prizes for the First Winner $ 12000 , Second Winner $ 8000 and Third Winner $ 5000. We also give 5 prizes of $ 1000. In Caricature section First prize is $ 7000, Second Prize is $ 5000 and Third Prize is $ 3000 and also 5 prizes of $ 1000.
He mentioned that: ” Judgement of the artworks was in last week by Mohammad Hossein Niroumand, me ( Massoud Shojai Tabatabai ) and Mohsen Najafi.and also selection of the artworks were made by presence of foreign artists. Winners will be announced simultaneously with the closing ceremony on 30th May.
Shojai Tabatabai in answer to reporter’s questions about Javad Zarif ( Iran’s Foreign Minister) interview with New Yorker said: ” I think that Mr. Zarif in this interview didn’t have exact understanding about organizing of Holocaust contest and didn’t know that we don’t want to deny or prove Holocaust. After Mr, Zarif’s interview we contacted Ministry of Guidance and spokesman of the ministry said that mentioned subjects had foreign nourishment.
Displaying of Holocaust Poster by ” Jitet Kustana” Indonesian Artist and Trophy of this International Holocaust Contest by design of ” Taher Sheykholhokamai” one of Iran sculptors, were other events of Inauguration ceremony.
In the trophy of the contest we see A Palestinian fighter is throwing stone, which is symbol of Palestinian struggle against the occupation of their country. According to this report, exhibition of the 2nd International Holocaust Cartoon and Caricature Contest is from today 14 May and will be continued till 30 May.
For visit the Poster in big zise please click here
صور من حفل الافتتاح
Pictorial Report of Opening Ceremony of
The 2nd International Holocaust Cartoon & Caricature Contest
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة