Pencils freedom put on a show 2015 TROPHY مسابقة القلم الحر- فرنسا


Pencils freedom put on a show 2015 TROPHY
مسابقة القلم الحر- فرنسا

الموضوع:إيقاف الهدر..إعادة التدوير..الضحك من الازمة
يمكن المشاركة بعملين 21×29سم
آخر موعد 30/10/2015
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية


1. The name of this cartoon contest is “Pencils freedom put on a show! 2015 TROPHY”
2. The theme(s) of this contest is “Stop wastage… recycle!” or “Laughter against the crisis”
3. The contest is open to cartoonists who are professional/semi-professional/amateur (state from which group you will receive works)
4. The deadline for receipt of cartoons is 30th October 2015
5. The exhibition will open on 21th november to 22 November 2015 at City Hall TOURCOING (France)
6. Announcement of results Sunday, November 22, 2015 at City Hall TOURCOING
7. The maximum size of artwork is to be 210 mm x 297 mm (A4)
8 The maximum number of drawings is 2 by drawer
9. The name, home address (and e-mail address), the value of the work, telephone number of the artist is to be stated on the back of each cartoon. The artist is to provide a brief CV and a photograph (or self-caricature). If submission of a standard entry form is required, then this should be downloadable from a website or copied from colleagues.
10. The cartoons must be the original work of the artist. Cartoons that are deemed by the jury to be the same or closely similar to that known to be thework of another cartoonist will not be judged.
11. The cartoons may not have been previously published.
The cartoons may not have been previously awarded. (State which of these sentences apply, if at all)
12. Original works and digital artwork will be accepted. Digita artwork is to numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed.
13. (Optional clause) Non-digital artwork to be provided initially as color photocopies which will not be returned. Artists of selected works will be asked to provide original artwork, which will be returned at the organizers expense (see 14)
14. Money-Prizes and trophies will be awarded as follows (state all prizes).
-1st Prize: 200 euros worth
-2nd Prize: 100 euros worth
-3rd Price: 50 euros worth

15. Main-Prizeswinners will be invited to attend the opening ceremony and prize giving? The costs for their stay and transport will be covered by the organizers of the cartoon contest.

If the artist’s physically presence is required to receive the prize, this rule should be cleary expressed by the organizers

16. The organizers have the non-exclusive rights to use awarded works (meaning works who were awarded with a money prize) to advertise the next edition of the contest, without payment to the artist. The organizers of cartoon contest claim no other rights to the use of awarded cartoons.
Donation transfer of ownership of actual paper artwork to the organizers does not signify unconditional transfer of copyrights – these are retained, unless otherwise specifically agreed, by the artist. Should further rights be sought, they are to be subject of a new agreement between the artist and the organizers.
17. The organizers claim no rights for the use of non-awarded works.
18. The organizers will inform participants (by ordinary mail, trough e-mail or website information) if cartoons are received and selected or not selected.
19. Address for delivery (state address and any special advice for customs) and contacts for further information (as phone/fax, e-mail address or websites of the organizers)
The drawing must be sent to :
Association 49+ la BD Francophone.
Francine COPPENS
34 rue Hélène Boucher


Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة


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