Results of International Drawing Contest to fight against forced labor/france نتائج مسابقة مكافحة العمل القسري- فرنسا



Results of International Drawing Contest to fight against forced labor/france
نتائج مسابقة مكافحة العمل القسري- فرنسا


We would like to thank all the participants of the drawing contest organized by RHSF to fight against forced labour.
In the end, we have received 315 drawings from 46 countries.

The awards

The Jury has selected several drawings and we have decided to award different prizes:

– A Company Award:
the Jury has selected drawings that have the potential to have an impact on companies. These drawings will be used to illustrate a book of good practices that will give the keys to fight against forced labour.

– For the “Company Award”, the jury has selected the following drawings:

– Plantu’s “Top Picks” in this category are:

coup de coeur plantu entreprise#1: the drawing of Kazanevsky Vladimir, Ukraine.


# 2: the drawing of Pluispraat, the Netherlands.

– A Migrants Award:
the Jury has selected drawings that represent labour rights and are easy for migrants to understand.
– For the “Migrants Award”, the Jury has selected the following drawings:

– Plantu’s “Top Picks” in this category are


The drawing of Trayko Popov, Bulgaria.

D262 taille réduiteThe drawing of  Kazanevsky, Ukraine.

D52 taille réduite
The drawing of  Ba Bilig, China .

RHSF members’ top picks:
Finally, RHSF’s members have selected their own “Top Pick”:

D239-SUPHACHAI CHIRAKUP-thailande newborn final 1
the drawing of Suphachai Chirakup, Thailand.

Migrant workers

with the cooperation of the Malaysian NGO Tenaganita- have sent some drawings. Out of competition, they will be used for exhibitions and to illustrate the book of good practices.

Migrant workers’drawings are:


Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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