The Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival / Iran / Bojnourd / 2013-14 ….مسابقة بونجورد الدولية الثانية


The Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival / Iran / Bojnourd / 2013-14
مسابقة بونجورد الدولية الثانية

المواضيع:1- شمال خراسان ….2- وجه الموسيقي
Hossein Valinejhad

يمكن إرسال6 أعمال في كل قسم على أن تصل قبل 10/12/2013
إلى الايميل التالي
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز


Cartoon & Illustration Section: North Khorasan
for more information on the subject: Click here
Caricature Section:
The face of Hossein Valinejhad (The musician of North Khorasan Province Of Iran)
for more information on the subject:click here
  terms and conditions:
-The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
-Each artist can submit up to 6 works.( In each section)
-There is no limit on the techniques you can use.
-Artworks must not be larger than A3 paper.
-Artworks format must be “JPG” with 300 DPI resolution and the size of each artwork must not exceed more than 2 megabytes.
-Selected artworks will be included in the festival catalog.
(Festival catalog will be published as a downloadable PDF file in the website and if we publish the print edition of the catalog,a copy will be sent to all participants.)
-Along with the artworks you must also send this information: full name, mobile number,exact mailing address, biography and a photo of the artist. (All included in a word document).
-The Organizer reserves the right to publish the submitted artworks in the internet, press and … by artist’s name.
First Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.
Second Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.
Third Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.
3rd Special Prize in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, honorary diploma.
3rd Honor Prize in each Section: honorary diploma.
 Deadline for submission:10 December 2013


Festival Director:
Abbas Naaseri

The festival website:

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©






The Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival / Iran / Bojnourd / 2013-14





Cartoon & Illustration Section:


North Khorasan

for more information on the subject: Click here


Caricature Section:

The face of Hossein Valinejhad (The musician of North Khorasan Province Of Iran)

for more information on the subject: Click here






terms and conditions:

The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.

Each artist can submit up to 6 works.( In each section)

There is no limit on the techniques you can use.

Artworks must not be larger than A3 paper.

Artworks format must be “JPG” with 300 DPI resolution and the size of each artwork must not exceed more than 2 megabytes.

Selected artworks will be included in the festival catalog.

(Festival catalog will be published as a downloadable PDF file in the website and if we publish the print edition of the catalog,a copy will be sent to all participants.)

Along with the artworks you must also send this information: full name, mobile number,exact mailing address, biography and a photo of the artist. (All included in a word document).

The Organizer reserves the right to publish the submitted artworks in the internet, press and … by artist’s name.



First Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.

Second Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.

Third Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.

3rd Special Prize in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, honorary diploma.

3rd Honor Prize in each Section: honorary diploma.


Deadline for submission:

10 December 2013




Festival Director:

Abbas Naaseri


The festival website:

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