The Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival / Iran / Bojnourd / 2013-14 ….مسابقة بونجورد الدولية الثانية
The Second International Cartoon and Caricature Festival / Iran / Bojnourd / 2013-14
مسابقة بونجورد الدولية الثانية
المواضيع:1- شمال خراسان ….2- وجه الموسيقي
Hossein Valinejhad
يمكن إرسال6 أعمال في كل قسم على أن تصل قبل 10/12/2013
إلى الايميل التالي
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز
Cartoon & Illustration Section: North Khorasan
for more information on the subject: Click here
Caricature Section:
The face of Hossein Valinejhad (The musician of North Khorasan Province Of Iran)
for more information on the subject:click here
terms and conditions:
-The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
-Each artist can submit up to 6 works.( In each section)
-There is no limit on the techniques you can use.
-Artworks must not be larger than A3 paper.
-Artworks format must be “JPG” with 300 DPI resolution and the size of each artwork must not exceed more than 2 megabytes.
-Selected artworks will be included in the festival catalog.
(Festival catalog will be published as a downloadable PDF file in the website and if we publish the print edition of the catalog,a copy will be sent to all participants.)
-Along with the artworks you must also send this information: full name, mobile number,exact mailing address, biography and a photo of the artist. (All included in a word document).
-The Organizer reserves the right to publish the submitted artworks in the internet, press and … by artist’s name.
First Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.
Second Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.
Third Prize winner in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, Souvenir, statue and honorary diploma.
3rd Special Prize in each Section: Exquisite Persian handicraft, honorary diploma.
3rd Honor Prize in each Section: honorary diploma.
Deadline for submission:10 December 2013
Festival Director:
Abbas Naaseri
The festival website:
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©