……….The International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin” – Azerbaijan”-2013 مسابقة المولا نصر الدين الخامسة في اذربيجان



The International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin” – Azerbaijan”-2013
مسابقة المولا نصر الدين الخامسة في اذربيجان

المواضيع:الاحتلال..لا للحرب….إلخ
يمكن إرسال من 2حتى 5 رسوم بحجم 21×29سم وترسل  قبل 15/9/2013 إلى البريد التالي:
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز الشرفية

The Terms of the Contest:

1. Deadline of the acceptance of works :-15 September 2013
2. The topic of the Contest: “The Occupation of  Lands”, “Aggression”, “No to War”, “Separatism”.

3. The Contest is held via internet.
4. Each cartoonist can send 2-5 works.
5. The size of cartoon works must be in A4 Send them to this  email:

6. Cartoon works will be appreciated by the International Jury.
7. A book consisting of the best cartoons of the Contest will be  — published.

– I Place –gold medal and diploma
– II Place- silver medal and diploma
– III Place- bronze  medal and diploma
– Special Award by Jury.
– Special Award  by Azerbaijan Artists’ Union

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©




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