Patience in Occupation Prison ….معرض صبراً على سجون الإحتلال


Patience in Occupation Prison
معرض صبراً على سجون الإحتلال

Patience in Occupation Prison

Ehsan Development Association and guidance PhotoTechnical professional Tyre
Invites you to participate in the International Exhibition Lebanese fee
_ In solidarity “with the prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons … and the suffering of the detainees from the oppression and injustice and mistreatment … invite all artists to participate in this national humanitarian situation.
Thread: Sabra “occupation prison _ the oppression suffered by imprisoned detainees … etc.
Can participate in the work of only oneWrite your full name
participating country Amyl send business to the next:

Deadline: 03.16.2013
Certificates will be distributed
Administrator:redwan alferekh

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©




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