Jurij Kosobukin / Ukraine…. passed away …..رحيل الفنان الأوكراني يوري كوزبوكين


Jurij Kosobukin / Ukraine…. passed away
رحيل الفنان الأوكراني يوري كوزبوكين

رحيل يوري كوزبوكين.. أحد أهم رسامي الكاريكاتور في العالم !
غيّب الموت أمس الأول رسام الكاريكاتور الأوكراني يوري كوزبوكين عن عمر ناهز الثالثة والستين عاماً بعد معاناة طويلة للمرض..
ولد كوزبوكين في مدينة كييف الروسية  عام 1950، وأنهى دراسته الجامعية في كلية الهندسة المدنية ،وعمل في شركة (خاركوف) للطيران..
نُشرت أولى رسومه عام 1970، وبدأت مسيرة عطائه  تُترجم من خلال صحيفة (سيكودنيا).
شارك الفنان الراحل في العديد من المعارض الدولية ونال نحو 300 جائزة دولية ، وهذا ما أكد حضوره الهام مع بعض الرسامين المبدعين عالمياً بأسلوبه وأفكاره الخلاقة وحيوية خطوطه .
شارك في تحكيم العديد من المسابقات الدولية ، وأقام معارض  شخصية في كوبا ،فرنسا ،ألمانيا ، إيطاليا ، بولندا، روسيا وأوكرانيا…إلخ.

Jurij Kosobukin / Ukraine… passed away ( 63 years old!).
Our thoughts are with his family and friends. The cartoon world lost a great artist.
He was a master that we will never have again! 

Yesterday the great cartoonist Yuri Kosobukin did pass away in his home town Kiev at the age of 63 years and after a long illness.
Kosobukin was born in 1950 in Russia and studied civil airline engineering in Kharkiv. His first cartoons were published in newspapers and magazines in 1970. He was one of the leading cartoonists of Ukraine, where his cartoons appeared at the last page of the newspaper ‘Segodnya’.
Kosobukin was also a regular participant at cartoon contests all over the world and gathered more than 300 important prizes in cartoon contests. It makes him to one of the most important cartoonists in the world. His unique style, with the typical ‘Kosobukin-man’ did impress a lot of jury members. In 2003 he did win the first prize in our contest the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem ‘Freedom’.
His cartoons were exhibited in cartoon contest exhibitions all over the world and he had personal exhibitions in Cuba, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.
The ‘Segodnya’ mentioned today that Yuri did not work for the money: it was a hobby, the purpose of his life.
Our thoughts are with his wife, children and all cartoon friends.
Have a look at the tribute galery on Pinterest
The cartoon world did lose a great artist, we will miss the ‘Kosobukin’-man

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©

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