Results of the 2nd ÜÇGE International Cartoon Contest- Turkey 2012 نتائج مسابقة ÜÇGE الدولية الثانية في تركيا


Results of the  2nd ÜÇGE International Cartoon Contest- Turkey 2012
نتائج مسابقة ÜÇGE الدولية الثانية في تركيا

2012 will be held in the month of September, in conjunction with the award ceremony,
the exhibition will be exhibited in various parts of Turkey’s karikatürlerden a Finalist in
the contest will be made in the distribution of the album.

1.Pavel Matuşka (Czech Republic)

2.Viladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)

3.Nikola Listes (Croatia)

Honorable Mention:

Hamza Akın (Turkey)

Milenko Kosonovic (Serbia)

Muammer Kotbaş (Turkey)

Anatolian Cartoonists Association Special Award:
Hicabi Demirci (Turkey)

Raed Khalil
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