COMPETITION FOR THE 8. INTERNATIONAL COMICS AND CARTOON FESTİVAL “PRİZREN 2012”. مسابقة ” بيرزرين” الدولية الثامنة في كوسوفو


مسابقة ” بيرزرين” الدولية الثامنة في كوسوفو

الموضوع: حر
يمكن إرسال أكثر من عمل وبحجم 300 دي بي آي…. إلى الايميلين التاليين:

-The Kosovo Comic Book Artists Association “Xhennet Comics” is organizing the 8’th Internacional Festival of Comics and Cartoons.
– The Festival will be held from 8 until 11 September 2012 on the Gallery “Hamam” in Prizren KOSOVO.
-The Festival is not going to be competitive; however 20 foreign and 10 kosovar artists will be elected from the jury to have the expenses of travel and hotel accommodation covered for 3 days.
-All the participants of the festival will be delivered with The Catalogue, T-shirts with Festival logo, and The Certificate of Gratitude. Those absent will receive the catalogue via e-mail. PDF file or they can download from the official web site of the association .
-The Festival of Comics and Cartoons is held every year in Prizren, Republic of Kosova, organized from  the Kosovo Comic Book Artists Association “Xhennet Comics”.
-The festival is open for every artist, professional or amateur,from all around the world.

Participating Conditions:
1. The genre and topic are free, whether for Comics or Cartoons.
2. The Works may be done from one or more artists.
3. The works can be posted to us or thay can send throught e maıl whıch has to have a good scan at least 300 dpı.  The Participant can send his/her work through e-mail-a good scan with minimum 300 dpi.
4. Comics and Cartoons should be from 1 to 6 pages (A3 or A4 format)
5. The language of texts is free to all of the world’s languages (preferable in English).
6. Required details to be sent with the works are: Name, Surname, A short biography, Country, Address, E-mail, and A Photo. ( Attentıon wıthout of these ınfornatıons the works wıll not be taken to consıderatıon ).
7. The Deadline is 10 August 2012.

The Address for sending the works is:
Kosovar Comic Book Artist’s Association “XhennetCommics”
str. Xhemil Doda nr. 3/a
20000 Prizren
Republic of Kosovo
Cell: +37744288791
E-mail: ganisunduri
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Raed Khalil
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