The 27 th International Biennial of Tolentino Art Humour 2011 – Italy ….مسابقة بينالي تولينتينو- إيطاليا


The 27 th International Biennial of Tolentino Art Humour 2011 – Italy
مسابقة بينالي تولينتينو- إيطاليا

الموضوع: القتال أو الهرب( فكاهي)
ترسل الرسوم عبر الايميل إلى الإيميل قبل
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز

Theme:” fight or run away (or laugh)”

Deadline: 22 April 2013

The City of Tolentino is organizing the 27th International Biennial of Art, that this year will take place from July 11 to October 6, 2013.
1. The Biennial is open to artists from all over the world, who will participate in the “City of Tolentino International Prize” dedicated to satire with a maximum of three unpublished and original works, size and technical analysis, in any form visual arts: drawing, sculpture, photography, digital and all types of material and support.
2. The theme of the 2013 Biennale is ” fight or run away (or laugh).”
3. The deadline for admission to the competition of the works is 22 April 2013. By that date, the works must be sent to:
Secretariat of the “27th International Biennial of Art, Freedom Square, 3 – 62029 TOLENTINO (Italy).
The works must be sent in digital format on CD / DVD or via e-mail in jpg format in high resolution (300dpi), max. 2Mb, to the following email address:
Each author must attach the entry form, filled in each part and duly signed.Each work must be accompanied by the special coupon.
4. The works must be sent carriage free. The works will only be accepted if they are not burdened by taxes, customs fees or any other fees to be paid by the organizer.
5. The City of Tolentino that will be organizing the event, assure the maximum care, custody and supervision of the works, declining any responsibility for any theft, fire, damage or loss due to unforeseeable causes that occur throughout the period during which the works at the Biennale and during the transport of the works themselves.
6. The acceptance of the works, their selection for the exhibition and the award of prizes is the sole responsibility of the Jury appointed by the Municipality of Tolentino in consultation with the Artistic Director. The jury’s decision is final.
7. The Jury will award the following prizes:
– “City of Tolentino International Prize” – Winner of the Biennale € 3,000.00. The winner of the Biennale will host the Biennale 2015 with a staff (max. 30 works). In case of a tie, the prize money awarded will be divided among the winners.
– 2nd Prize – recognition;
– 3rd Prize – recognition.
The jury also:
– The Lifetime Achievement Award “Caesar Marcorelli”;
– The Academy Award Humor “Luigi Mari”;
– Other special prizes.
27th edition
11 July / October 6, 2013
Tolentino. Rancia Castle
8. The works will be returned at the expense of the Organiser on request not before the thirtieth day after the scheduled closing date of the Biennale, unless extended, except for the 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd prize and works expressly donated by ‘ Author, which remain the property of the International Museum.
9. The organizer of the International Biennial of Art is authorized to copy the selected works for publication in the official catalog of the exhibition, by the number of examples as they deem necessary. The organizer is authorized for publication by the spread of same works, even through the use of the means of reproduction, dissemination at a distance and the web. The organizer is authorized to publish the work in any medium, even for commercial purposes. The author will be indicated, in reproductions of, in the usual manner. The author allows the free use of their works be, educational, entertainment and public enjoyment, without any compensation. The artist must renounce all rights to any compensation.
10. Participation in competition at the 27th International Biennial of Art implies full and complete acceptance of these Regulations.
11. The regulations are published in Italian, French, English, Spanish, German. In case of dispute, the text in Italian.
tel 0733.901365/326
fax 0733 966535
and. mail:
27th edition
11 July / October 6, 2013
Tolentino. Rancia Castle

Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة




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