Opening of permanent exhibition of DUBA cartoon festival / (WSPA) 2012 افتتتاح المعرض الدولي حول حماية الحيوانات- كوستاريكا


Opening of permanent exhibition of DUBA cartoon festival / (WSPA) 2012
افتتتاح المعرض الدولي حول حماية الحيوانات- كوستاريكا

بمشاركة 179 فناناً من 48 دولة في العالم ، بدأت فعاليات المعرض الدولي الذي يقام تحت عنوان: حماية الحيوان…في كوستاريكا، وقداختارت اللجنة 70 عملاً من أصل 343 قد شاركوا في المسابقة لطباعتهم في الألبوم… على أن يعرض 45  على جدار خزفي في المعرض.
The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) would like to thank to 179 artists from 48 countries to participate with their 343 works in support of the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare.

We are glad that there is a huge diversity of nationalities, the registered cartoons came from all over Latin America, UK, Germany, France, Slovakia, Poland, even from countries like Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazajstan, Sudan, Turkey, among others. At the beginning the jury named by WSPA was going to select only 40 cartoons for the catalogue, but the quality of works received allows us to admit 70 cartoons representative form this diverse group. On October 25th 2012 here we will be announcing the group of selected cartoons.

This day, also, we will inaugurate a permanent exhibition with the work of the 45 autors selected to be part of this ceramic mural in Carmen Lyra’s Library located at Rincón Grande de Pavas, San José, Costa Rica. The library is part of an organized community in developing, which now will be award for their communal achievements with a representation of what Animal Welfare means.

Thank you for showing with graphic humor that Animals Matter!

Selected Authors  for Dubacartoon Catalog

1 -Adrian Palma (argentina)
2- Martin Favelis (argentina)
3- Arsen Gevorgyan (Armenia)
4- Luc Descheemaeker (Bélgica)
5- Marcelo Rampazzo (Brasil)
6- Jovcho Savov (bulgaria)
7- Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)
8- Juan Calvo Foxley (Chile)
9 -Da Bling (China)
10- Fang Chen (China)
11- Huseyin Cakmak (Chipre)
12- Elena Ospina (colombia)
13-Raúl Grisales (Guaico) (colombia)
14- Ferreol Murillo Fuentes (Ferrom) (Costa Rica)
15-Franicisco Munguía Villalta (Costa Rica)
16-Vicky Ramos (Costa Rica)
17-Jorge Martinez (LLoyy) (Cuba)
18-Alfredo Martirena (Cuba)
19- Fawzy Morsy (Egipto)
20- Ricardo Clement (Alecus) (El Salvador)
21- Omar S Diago(Vampirako) (españa)
22- Vivian Shou (filipinas)
23-Christophe Bodard (Francia)
24- shahin kalantary (Iran)
26- Kazy Kestutis Siaulytis (lithuania)
27-Rubén Eduardo Soto Díaz (Mexico)
28-Victor Solis (Mexico)
29: Firuz Kutal (Noruega)
30- Jose Jauregui (perú)
31- Marcin Bondarowic (Perú)
32- Ross Thomson (Reino Unido)
33- Doru Axinte (Romania)
34- George Licurici (Romania)
35- Mihai Ignat (Romania)
36- Alexandrov Vasily (Rusia)
37- Igor Smirnov (Rusia)
38- Sergei Tunin (Rusia)
39- Raed Khalil (Syria)
40- Elraya Ombaddi (Sudán)
41- Dubovsky Alexander (Ucrania)
42- Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ucrania)
43- Yuri kosobukin (Ucrania)
44- Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Ubekiztán)
45- Andres Colmenares ( Wawawiwa) (Venezuela)
46- Arturo Rosas (Mexico)
47– Julieta Vitali (Argentina)
48- Khalajil Mohammadali (irán)
49 -Rene Wischinski (Alemania)
50- Ernesto Guerrero (Argentina)
51- Gaston Andres Bejarano (argentina)
52- Romina Bernardo (Chocolate) (Argentina)
53- Joao Bosco Azevedo (Brasil)
54-Raimundo Waldez (Brasil)
55- Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria)
56- xiomara Blanco (Costa Rica)
57- miguel Villalba (España)
58- yuosofali mohamadi  (irán)
59- Payam Borumand (Irán)
60- Saeed Sadeghi (Irán)
61- Juan Garcia (Nicaragua)
62- Jose San Martín (Perú)
63- Marian Avramescu (Romania)
64- Vladimir Khakhanov (rusia)
65- Darko Drljevic (serbia y Montenegro)
66- Mehmet Saim Bilge (MSB) (Turquía)
67-Raquel Orzuj (Uruguay)
68- Valery Momot (Ucrania)

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©



Selected Authors  for Dubacartoon Catalog


1 -Adrian Palma (argentina)

2- Martin Favelis (argentina)

3- Arsen Gevorgyan (Armenia)

4- Luc Descheemaeker (Bélgica)

5- Marcelo Rampazzo (Brasil)

6- Jovcho Savov (bulgaria)

7- Valentin Georgiev (Bulgaria)

8- Juan Calvo Foxley (Chile)

9 -Da Bling (China)

10- Fang Chen (China)

11- Huseyin Cakmak (Chipre)

12- Elena Ospina (colombia)

13-Raúl Grisales (Guaico) (colombia)

14- Ferreol Murillo Fuentes (Ferrom) (Costa Rica)

15-Franicisco Munguía Villalta (Costa Rica)

16-Vicky Ramos (Costa Rica)

17-Jorge Martinez (LLoyy) (Cuba)

18-Alfredo Martirena (Cuba)

19- Fawzy Morsy (Egipto)

20- Ricardo Clement (Alecus) (El Salvador)

21- Omar S Diago(Vampirako) (españa)

22- Vivian Shou (filipinas)

23-Christophe Bodard (Francia)

24- shahin kalantary (Iran)

25- kfir weizman

26- Kazy Kestutis Siaulytis (lithuania)

27-Rubén Eduardo Soto Díaz (Mexico)

28-Victor Solis (Mexico)

29: Firuz Kutal (Noruega)

30- Jose Jauregui (perú)

31- Marcin Bondarowic (Perú)

32- Ross Thomson (Reino Unido)

33- Doru Axinte (Romania)

34- George Licurici (Romania)

35- Mihai Ignat (Romania)

36- Alexandrov Vasily (Rusia)

37- Igor Smirnov (Rusia)

38- Sergei Tunin (Rusia)

39- Raed Khalil (Syria)

40- Elraya Ombaddi (Sudán)

41- Dubovsky Alexander (Ucrania)

42- Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ucrania)

43- Yuri kosobukin (Ucrania)

44- Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Ubekiztán)

45- Andres Colmenares ( Wawawiwa) (Venezuela)

46- Arturo Rosas (Mexico)

47– Julieta Vitali (Argentina)

48- Khalajil Mohammadali (irán)

49 -Rene Wischinski (Alemania)

50- Ernesto Guerrero (Argentina)

51- Gaston Andres Bejarano (argentina)

52- Romina Bernardo (Chocolate) (Argentina)

53- Joao Bosco Azevedo (Brasil)

54-Raimundo Waldez (Brasil)

55- Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria)

56- xiomara Blanco (Costa Rica)

57- miguel Villalba (España)

58- yuosofali mohamadi  (irán)

59- Payam Borumand (Irán)

60- Saeed Sadeghi (Irán)

61- Juan Garcia (Nicaragua)

62- Jose San Martín (Perú)

63- Marian Avramescu (Romania)

64- Vladimir Khakhanov (rusia)

65- Darko Drljevic (serbia y Montenegro)

66- Mehmet Saim Bilge (MSB) (Turquía)

67-Raquel Orzuj (Uruguay)

68- Valery Momot (Ucrania)

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