Women Deliver’s Annual Conference/ Malaysia 2012 مؤتمر المرأة في ماليزيا


Women Deliver’s Annual Conference/ Malaysia 2012
مؤتمر المرأة في ماليزيا

الموضوع: حقوق المرأة..يمكن إرسال الرسوم الكاريكاتورية قبل 1/12/2012
إلى الإيميل التالي:

Women’s Rights

The range of possible topics: women’s empowerment and health, girls’ education, family planning, women’s political participation and gender equality. Basically, cartoons about women’s rights, but if you want to be more specific that’s okay as well.


Hello cartoonist friends,

I have been given the opportunity to curate another exhibition and accompanying book.  I would love
it if you would send in cartoons for consideration. It is being organized by Women Deliver, a well
respected non-profit organization that works to help women and girls around the world.  Each artist
will have one cartoon in the exhibit, will be in the book, and will have a photo, bio with website with
their drawing. More about the organization is attached and below.

This will happen at Women Deliver’s annual conference, this year in Malaysia. They expect 5,000
attendees, leaders and activists, from around the world to the conference in May 2013. The cartoons
will also be in a slide show at the conference, and I will do an article on the web about your work in
the show. So your work will be seen by a lot of people, and is for a good cause.
You will receive a copy of the book.

The range of possible topics: women’s empowerment and health, girls’ education, family planning,
women’s political participation and gender equality. Basically, cartoons about women’s rights, but if
you want to be more specific that’s okay as well.

Please send your submission(s) via jpeg to me by December 1 , 2012. Contact me with any questions!

Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing your work.

Liza Donnelly
About Women Deliver
Women Deliver is a global advocacy organization bringing together voices from around the world to
call for action to improve the health and well-being of girls and women.
We work globally to generate political commitment and resource investments to reduce maternal
mortality and achieve universal access to reproductive health. Women Deliver builds on
commitments, partnerships, and networks mobilized at the groundbreaking Women Deliver
conferences in 2007 and 2010, fighting to end the deluge of preventable deaths that kill
approximately 287,000 girls and women from pregnancy-related causes every year. Women Deliver’s
message is that maternal health is both a human right and a practical necessity for sustainable
We work to expand the community of partners dedicated to bettering the lives of girls and women.
Our corporate forum brings together private sector representatives to collaborate on projects and
solutions. We work with ministries of finance and health and global development experts to make
the economic case for investing in girls and women. And, we look to the future by developing the
skills of young advocates in developing countries through our workshops and online community.
Background on Cartoon Exhibit
Around the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt,
Inter Press Service’s TerraViva circulated cartoons illustrating women’s health and population issues,
including sexual and reproductive rights. This helped shed light on the serious issues being discussed
at the conference and challenged audiences to think about them in new ways. Earlier this year,
Doonesbury drew public attention to the reproductive health and rights battles in the U.S. through
comics, demonstrating the continued power of this type of medium.
Given the success of these campaigns, Women Deliver will compile cartoons for a collection that will
use humor, irony and creativity to put a spotlight on women’s health, empowerment and
reproductive rights.
Proposed Format
We propose conducting outreach to top political cartoonists interested in the health and well-being
of girls and women.  Cartoons will be spotlighted three ways:
·         In a physical exhibit at the conference
·         In a video presentation shown throughout the conference
·         In a paperback book

Raed khalil

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©



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