TURHAN Selçuk passes away March 11, 2010 in Istanbul
رائد خليل مع تورهان سلجوق في لجنة تحكيم مسابقة نصر الدين هوجا في اسطنبول عام 2007
Turhan Selçuk>>has gone…
When I was invited by the organizers of the 27th Nasreddin Hodja in Turkey to be on the jury board in 2007, I did not expect to meet the greatest artist of Turkey and the dean of Turkish cartoonists.
How I was glad when I sat next to him. I felt his big heart as big as the world!
Although Turhan Selçuk had passed through lots of big stages during his life, but his heart was a child’s heart. I felt that when I saw his wife who always stayed with him anywhere he went.
Turhan is gone now, but his eternal works stead to enlighten a lovely, beautiful and great path to all world cartoonists.
The standing trees never die!
We feel so sorry to lost Turhan. We mourn him. We feel sorry for the Turkish people for their lost.
Turhan will stay an example of honesty, sincerity and honor to all mankind.
رحل عميد الرسامين الأتراك تورهان سلجوق في الحادي عشر من الشهر الجاري (آذار 2010)، حيث أجري له عمل جراحي، ولكن المرض لم يمهله طويلاً.
ولد تورهان سلجوق عام 1922 في ميلاس ،موغلا، في تركيا، وكان قد واحداً من مؤسسي رابطة الرسامين الأتراك عام 1969.
oguz gurel -Turkey
Sevket Yalaz-Turkey
oguz gurel -Turkey