The 4th International Fadjr Cartoon & Caricature Contest-2012 مسابقة الفجر الدولية الثانية للكاريكاتور في إيران
المواضيع: 1- وعي الأمم-2- كرتون حر-3- وجوه حرة يمكن المشاركة ب 5 رسوم في القسم الواحد، وترسل سيرة ذاتية للمشارك الحجم 2000 بيكسل عرضاً أو طولاُ و200 دي بي آي ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية القيمة وشهادات تقدير آخر موعد: 15/1/2012 ترسل الأعمال إلى : Info@irancartoon.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. The 4th International Fadjr Cartoon & Caricature Contest-2012 Sections & Subjects: Thematic Cartoon: Nation’s Awareness Cartoon: Free Caricature: Free
Regulation: – Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks in each Section. – Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Telephone) of artists Just by word file is necessary. – The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their artworks published in the catalogue. – Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 2000 pixel by jpg format. – Subject of [Fadjr] must be mentioned in the send Email.
Prizes: Thematic Section Prize: 15000 Euro, Honorable mention & Trophy. Three 2000 Euro Prizes for Cartoon (Free), Honorable mention & Trophy. Three 2000 Euro Prizes for Caricature (Free), Honorable mention & Trophy.
Deadline:15th January, 2012
Address for sending artworks: Info@irancartoon.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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