International Cartoon Competition presented by the Arts and Cultural Center KuK e.V. in cooperation with the Aachen Newspaper Publishing Company and the Städteregion Aachen. Aachen …مسابقة فولت كوك في ألمانيا


International Cartoon Competition  presented by the Arts and Cultural Center KuK e.V.  in cooperation with the Aachen Newspaper Publishing Company and the Städteregion Aachen. Aachen
مسابقة فولت كوك في ألمانيا

الموضوع: هل يمكن أن تؤمن بهم وتصدقهم…؟ الأمر يتعلق بنفاق السياسين وافتراءاتهم في العالم ..
يمكن المشاركة بـ 5 رسوم مرفقة بسيرة ذاتية للفنان وبطاقة الدخول وترسل الرسوم قبل10/4/2012 إلى العنوان التالي:
Städteregion Aachen
S 16 Staff position for culture, empirical research and gender equality
Dr. Nina Mika-Helfmeier
Raum B025
Zollernstraße 10
52070 Aachen
Telefon 0241-51982664
Fax 0241-519882664

ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية والشرفية
Call for Submissions

Can you believe it?!

They say Mr zu G. actually wrote a part of his dissertation himself!  Mr Ch. W. himself paid for and planted a rose bush in his garden. Or maybe not? The Felix Krulls, Münchhausens and two-faced hypocrites populate the parliaments of this world – and this is no new phenomenon.
The list of politician lies seems long. Didn’t George W. Bush say:  “Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction”? Who believed Walter Ulbricht when he said “No one intends to erect a wall”? Did anyone believe Bill Clinton’s statement: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss  Lewinski”? Didn’t the Hungarian Prime Minister admit that he lied to the people morning, noon and night during the election campaign? Shouldn’t Putin’s and Berlusconi’s noses be infinitely long?
Does what was promised before the election still hold afterwards?  Why should it? Is Truth a rare good in politics? Or is the lie in itself taken for granted in politics?  And if not, then why not?
Telling lies in politics is a broad field – but it is also a humorous field, which is why we have chosen it to be the theme of our 6th International Cartoon Competition.
How can light be brought into the darkness of the politician’s lie? Who can uncover, debunk, explain? Isn’t it all laughable?
The cartoonists and caricaturists of the world are called up to do “enlightenment work”. Wanted are the funniest cartoons, the sharpest caricatures and gladly also those critical drawings of and about lying politicians and about Truth in politics.

Deadline: 10 April 2012

All professional and amateur cartoonists 18 and over can partipate in this international contest..


Maximum 5 cartoons
Original drawings or signed prints, no copies
Black-white or colour
Format: DIN A4 bis DIN A3 (unframed, no matte)
Year of composition:  2009-2012

Provide the artist’s full name on the back of the drawing, including if applicable the drawer’s artistic pseudonym and the title of the work.
The completed entry form, a photograph or portrait caricature (electronic submissions at least 800 pixel/800 kB, jpg format) and a brief CV (max. 280 characters) for the catalog should be submitted with the drawings. If available, the print data of the entries are welcome for the catalog.
The jury will make selections for the exhibition and catalog, and award the prizes from the pool of submissions. The jury includes among others Prof. Bernd Mathieu (Editor-in-Chief of the Aachen Newspaper / Aachen News), Martin Sonntag (Caricatura Kassell), and Nina Mika-Helfmeier (Cultural Affairs director).
This year the exhibition will take place from 5 May to 1 July 2012. The awards ceremony and the opening of the exhibition is on 5 May 2012 at 16:00 in the Kunst and Kultur Center of the Städteregion Aachen, Austraße 9, Monschau.
In total up to  2 x 45 works plus extensions will be shown.
As in every year, the KuK e.V. will publish a catalog in collaboration with the Aachen Newspaper Publishing Company. Artists included in the catalog will each receive one copy.
1st Place        2500.00 EUR
2nd Place        2000.00 EUR
3rd Place         1000.00 EUR
4th-6th Places          500.00 EUR each

Return policy:   
All work that does not become property of the Kuk e.V. will be returned at the organisation’s expense. The returns will be prepared and carried out with the appropriate care.

Städteregion Aachen
S 16 Staff position for culture, empirical research and gender equality
Dr. Nina Mika-Helfmeier
Raum B025
Zollernstraße 10
52070 Aachen
Telefon 0241-51982664
Fax 0241-519882664

Entry forms available at:
click here

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