The results of World Press Art Festival, Tehran, Iran-2011 ….نتائج مسابقة مهرجان فن الصحافة العالمية إيران


The results of  World Press Art Festival, Tehran, Iran-2011
نتائج مسابقة مهرجان فن الصحافة العالمية إيران

First Prize:
Krystvbal Rynvsv-Argentina (A plaque, statue and a prize of 3000 euro)
Second rize:
Nouri Najafi-Iran.(A plaque, statue and a prize 2000 euro)
Third Prize:
Vahid Cafari-Iran (A plaque, statue and 1000 euro)


1-Firuze Mozaffari from Iran (appreciation and statue)
2 Bernard Bouton from France (appreciation and statue)
3 Mohsen Izadi from Iran (appreciation and statue)
4  Jun Li from China (appreciation and statue)
5 H. Keshtkar from Iran (appreciation and statue)
6 M. Khalaji from Iran (appreciation and statue)


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