44th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest Public Statement Regarding the Results
44th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest Public Statement Regarding the Results:
إلغاء الجائزة الكبرى في مسابقة جحا الدولية ال44 في تركيا
بعد اعتراض الإيراني سجاد رفيعي على العمل الفائز وأكد أنه عمله نال الجائزة الأولى في البرازيل عام 2015
وكنا قد نوهنا إلى نتائج المسابقة البائسة في خبر سابق
In the 44th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, which has been organized for 44 years without interruption and has attracted great interest worldwide, it has been determined that the cartoon awarded the grand prize bears a great similarity to a work previously published by another artist. Since this situation is incompatible with the basic principles and ethical values of the competition, the prize of the relevant artist has been canceled.
We apologize to the art community and the public for this situation.
In line with this development, the work ranked second in the competition has been deemed worthy of the grand prize. The other ranked works will be awarded in the same order.
Until today, the aim of our contest has been to support the art of cartooning, to build a bridge between the artists of the world, and to contribute to peace and friendship through the critical power of the art of cartooning. We will continue our work in this direction.
With our deepest regards
Sajad Rafeei – Iran 2015
Mojmir Mihatov – Croatia ( Cancelled) 2024
موقع الكارتون الســـوري
مدير الموقع: رائد خليـــل
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