International contest of Visual Art “Fun in Vasylivka Style” …مسابقة القلعة في أكرانيا


International contest of Visual Art “Fun in Vasylivka Style”
مسابقة القلعة في أكرانيا

يجب أن تكون الأعمال أصلية وترسل قبل 15/8/2011 مرفقة ببطاقة الدخول إلى العنوان التالي
International contest of Visual Art “Fun in Vasylivka Style”
1 Chekistov St.
Zaporozhye region
Ukraine 71600
– ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المعنوية والشرفية في الموضوعين: القلعة والموضوع الحر.

The Conditions of the Contest
Announce that the International forum of visual humor “Fun in Vasylivka Style”.
The forum is held for development and support comic visual arts, strengthening
of creative and professional international contacts, promotion of local Vasilyvsky and other brands and themes.

The main theme: “The Castle”
– ancient, old, new, the ultra-modern castles and all that is connected with them
1 prize: gold medal and diploma
2 prize: silver medal and diploma
3 prize: bronze medal and diploma
5 encouraging prizes and diplomas
Additional theme: free
1 prize: gold medal and diploma
2 prize: silver medal and diploma
3 prize: bronze medal and diploma
Nomination: Caricature
The terms of work of the contest: the last day of receipt of works

August 15, 2011

Work of the jury:  August 25, 2011
Only the jury and organizers of the contest have the right to select
prize winning works on the basis of regulations of the competition.
Opening of the exhibition and awarding Ceremony of the winners is from September till October 2011.
The jury, consisting of 5 people, comprises artists-cartoonists and representatives of the topic.
The conditions and procedure for participation
1. The competition is open and the professional artists as well as the amateurs may participate in it.
2. Only authors original works and printing of the exellent quality with with
the “wet” signature are accepted for the contest.
3. The works sent by e-mail are under consideration.
Photo plus video report on CD.
Catalogue will be received free of charge by mail.
Format .jpg, 300 dpi.
4. Any technique is accepted.
5. The size of works – from the A4 ( 210 x 297 ) – up to A3 ( 400 x 300 )
6. The number of works is unlimited but at least two ones.
7. Works should be carefully packed. The postage for sending works must be paid by the participants of the contest.
The organizers of the Forum are not responsible for any damage during sending.
8. The works sent to the Forum remain in the collection of the organization committee of the contest.
9. The questionnaire of the participant should be filled in block letters in Ukrainian, English or Russian.
Work without questionnaires are not accepted.
10. On the backside of the work should be written the Theme ( general or special ), author`s
name, surname, address, telephone number, fax, e-mail of the author, the material and technique.
11. The works sent for the contest can be exposed at the exhibition hall of the Vasilivka
museum, of local lore, in other museums, galleries and exhibitions at the discretion of the
organizers. The works also can be placed on the website of the museum.
12. The organizers have the right to publish works in the Mass media; the fee is not paid to the author.
The organizers must specify the name, surname of the author, the country in all publications.
13. Picture, names and texts of works are copyright. The author is responsible for his work in
accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The exclusive right to a work shall be
retained by the author if the author does not transfer this right to the exhibition fund of the contest.
14. Drawings, previously awarded at other contests are allowed but with the obligatory
indication of where and when they were awarded. The fact of the participation in the
Forum means that the participants accept all the Conditions of the contest.
Special conditions
1. All interested persons can come at the opening of the exhibition and the Ceremony of
rewarding the winners, having informed the organizers of the Forum beforehand. Travel
expenses and accommodation are paid by the participants.
2. On the results of the competition “Fun in Vasylivka Style” the catalogue will be published.
All the authors whose works will be included in the catalogue on the decision of the jury
will receive free copy of the publication by mail.
3. The organizers and sponsors of the Forum can establish a few special prizes after all the
works for contest are received .
International contest of Visual Art “Fun in Vasylivka Style”

1 Chekistov St.
Zaporozhye region
Ukraine 71600


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