5th International Cartoon Competition .2024



5th International Cartoon Competition .2024
مسابقة موغلا الدولية الخامسة في تركيا
الموضوع الكوارث البيئية
ترسل الرسوم مرفقة ببطاقة الدخول
قبل2024/2/16 إلى
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality,

Topic: Natural Disasters and Human
Since the creation of humanity, there has been a desire to dominate nature. However, this dominance is often exerted over the weak and vulnerable. Even poisonous gases and destructive weapons prove ineffective against the power of nature. The powerless force against which we remain ineffective is natural disasters. Natural disasters refer to events that cause harm to humans and other living beings – uncontrollable natural occurrences resulting in loss of life and property. Included in the scope of natural disasters are hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, storms, floods, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, rockfalls, avalanches, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, fires, and sub-zero freezes.

Just a year ago, an earthquake disaster struck our country – Turkey – destroying several cities and causing the deaths of thousands of people and animals. The profound suffering of those who were also injured has deeply affected people all around the world. The most commonly observed natural disasters include earthquakes, floods, avalanches, and forest fires. It is a known fact that some natural disasters occur more frequently in certain parts of the world.
The largest flood disaster in the world occurred in 1931 when the Yangtze River in China overflowed, resulting in the loss of 4 million lives. The extent of the damage to plants and animals remains unknown.

Your original drawings on the theme of “Natural Disasters and Humans” that you submit to our cartoon competition will empower us.
Participation Conditions
1. The competition is organized at both the national and international levels and is open to amateur and professional cartoonists worldwide.
2. Cartoons that violate general ethical rules, contain insults, serve political purposes, or include objectionable and harmful expressions will be disqualified from the competition.
3. Members of the selection committee and their close relatives are not eligible to participate in the competition.
4. Drawing technique is free. Participants are required to fill out the participation form.
5. Participation in the competition is only through email. Cartoon dimensions should be at least A4 (21 x 29.7 cm), at most A3 (29.7 x 42 cm), with a resolution of 300 dpi, and in jpg format.
6. Submitted cartoons should not have received any awards in any national or international competition before. Cartoons identified by the selection committee as being the same or similar to others, or belonging to another cartoonist, will not be evaluated.
7. Participants should include a brief biography along with their cartoons.
8. Participants can submit a maximum of 5 (five) cartoons.
9. Participants under the age of 18 must attach a photocopy of their ID card to their applications.
10. Cartoons must be sent to the email address: karikatur.yarisma@mugla.bel.tr with the subject “Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, 5th International Cartoon Competition” by the end of the business day on February 16, 2024, including the artist’s name, surname, city, and country.
11. Only the prize-winning participants (the expenses of accompanying guests will belong to the participants) and those who win awards in the under 18 category (accommodation and transportation expenses for one guardian will be covered) will have their transportation (bus or plane), accommodation, and hospitality expenses covered by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality.
12. If prize-winning participants do not come to receive their awards, the prize money will be transferred to the provided bank IBAN number. The rightful owner must fill out and sign the required documents along with the IBAN number. In case the rightful owner does not provide the IBAN number, the prize amount will expire after 1 year from the date the results are announced. In the event of expiration, the rightful owner cannot make any claims for the prize, copyright, etc.
13. Cartoons submitted to the competition will not be returned. Cartoons that win awards and are deemed worthy of exhibition may be used or published for cultural purposes by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. The cartoons selected by the jury to be exhibited and deemed worthy will be compiled in an album organized by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. These albums will only be sent to participants who have won awards in the competition and whose works are published in the album.
14. At the end of the competition, the rights defined in Articles 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 of Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works will belong to Muğla Metropolitan Municipality along with the copyright holder indefinitely. Within the scope of these rights, Muğla Metropolitan Municipality can use and allow the use of the work, indefinitely, within or outside Turkey, in Turkish or any other languages worldwide, specifying the name of the copyright holder, in any medium and material content. Muğla Metropolitan Municip

ality does not permit the use of cartoons for other purposes under any circumstances. No additional fees will be paid for works selected for exhibition and the album. All participants who submit their works to the competition are considered to have accepted the above conditions.

1st Prize: 25,000 TL
2nd Prize: 16,000 TL
3rd Prize: 12,000 TL
Honorable Mentions (3): 8,000 TL each
Under 18 (Ages 10-18) (Two individuals): 4,000 TL each
Raşit Yakalı Special Award: 5,000 TL

Gürbüz DOĞAN EKŞİOĞLU (Dr. – Yeditepe University Lecturer – Cartoonist)
Savaş ÜNLÜ (Humor Writer)
Şevket YALAZ (Cartoonist)
Abdülkadir USLU (Cartoonist)
Sarkis PAÇACI (Cartoonist)
Raşit YAKALI (Cartoonist)
Mehmet SELÇUK (Cartoonist, General Coordinator)
Perihan AYDIN (Rapporteur of Muğla Metropolitan Municipality)

Competition Timeline:
Deadline for submissions: Until the end of business hours on February 16, 2024.
Jury evaluation meeting: February 17, 2024, Saturday.
Announcement of competition results: February 21, 2024, Wednesday.
Award ceremony and exhibition of cartoons deemed worthy by the competition jury will take place at the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality Türkan Saylan Contemporary Living Center.

Competition Coordinator: Perihan AYDIN
Phone: (0252) 212 26 14 Ext-1956
Address: Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, Türkan Saylan Contemporary Living Center, Menteşe/Muğla
Email: mbbkultursanat@mugla.bel.tr

Note: Muğla Metropolitan Municipality reserves the right to make changes to these regulations if deemed ecessary.

/Attachment 1/

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality 5th International Cartoon Competition Participation Form


Full Name: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Turkish ID Number: ……………………………………………………………………….

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………


Phone: …………………………… Fax: ……………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………@………………………………………………………

Occupation: ………………………………………………………………………………

Age Group: Under 18 / Over 18

/Attachment 2/

Short Biography (Include a brief summary of the participant’s backround, achivements and relevant information)


Director  | Raed Khalil

موقع الكارتون الســـوري
مدير الموقع: رائد خليـــل
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