winners of the 2nd International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2011 …نتائج مسابقة برلين الدولية الثانية للكاريكاتور


winners of the 2nd International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2011
نتائج مسابقة برلين الدولية الثانية للكاريكاتور

Dear Friends of Cartoons

With great pleasure we would like to present the winners of the 2nd International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2011
with the theme “Dictatorship and Tolerance”.

The online contest was organized and arranged by the KURTUKUNST Gallery in collaboration with the LIMES Image Agency.
The competition was entered by artists from different cultural and political backgrounds.
The cartoons show a personal satirical and humorous perspective on the current world affairs.

More than 900 works of 382 cartoonists from 61 countries were sent to us.
We would like to thank all of the contestants for their interest and courage.
With their artistic work and satirical view they attempt to change the world to make it a better place.

Special thanks to the members of the international jury of the competition for your excellent work.
They had the heavy task to determine the prize-winners from the variety of excellent caricatures.
Without the financial support of the German Lottery Foundation Berlin this cartoon
competition would not have been realised. Thank you very much!

Valeriu Kurtu

Winners of the Competition/ PDF..Click here

1st Prize: Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz, Poland
2nd Prize: Cost. / Constantin Sunnerberg, Belgium
3rd Prize: ellustrator / Sergey Elkin, Russia

A w a r d s
Yuri Manaev, Russia
KUSTO / Oleksy Kustovsky, Ukraine
Galym Boranbayev, Kazakhstan
Mikhail Zlatkovsky, Russia
Yuriy Kosobukin, Ukraine
Pascal Cloëtta, Germany
Sara Hassan, Egypt
Joanna Wasiak-Bassa, Poland
Vasiliy Alexandrov, Russia
SEMEN / Sergej Semendjaev, Ukraine

KURTUKUNST Gallery Prize
Denis Lopatin, Russia

Javad Takjoo, Iran

With best regards
Valeriu Kurtu, Rais Khalilov and Paul Gross

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