the 4th. International Patio Brasil Environmental Humor/Brazil


the 4th. International Patio Brasil Environmental Humor/Brazil
مسابقة إيكو كارتون الولي الرابعة في البرازيل2011

الموضوع:حفظ التنوع البيولوجي
يمكن المشاركة بعملين فقط 21×29 سم على أن ترسل الأعمال قبل 12/4/2011
إلى الايميل التالي:
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية..

We are pleased to inform you the opening of registrations for
the 4th. International Patio Brasil Environmental Humor
Show, the ECOCARTOON. 
This year with the theme: Conservation of Biodiversity.

The ECOCARTOON happens during the month of June to an audience of about 50,000 people per day in
the central square of the mall which is considered to be the Showcase of Brasilia.
The works are chosen by an international jury composed of artists and environment professionals.
The winners receive a cash prize: R$ 4,000, R$ 2,000 and R$ 1,500 for the first 3 placed, respectively.
The author of the work chosen by the popular jury receives R$ 750. The jury also awards 15 Honorable Mentions.

All works select to the exhibition are included in the annual catalog of the event and each artist receives a copy.

Bringing together art and environmental awareness, the ECOCARTOON is a major international
initiative and the most important of Brasilia, capital of Brazil, to awaken,  in an entertaining and
creative way, a special sensitivity to the serious risks that planet Earth faces.

Join ECOCARTOON and contribute with your talent to the preservation of the environment.
For registration, rules and more information, visit the site

Looking forward to your entry.  




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