International festival of satire and humore ,,MĂRUL DE AUR”-BISTRIȚA,39th Edition- ROMANIA 2023
International festival of satire and humore ,,MĂRUL DE AUR”-BISTRIȚA,39th Edition- ROMANIA 2023
مسابقة التفاحة الذهبية- ال 39 في رومانيا
الموضوع الحدّ من السخافة
-الموضوع الثاني: بورتريه الكاتب الروماني أورموز
يمكن المشاركة ب5 رسوم في كل قسم وترسل الأعمال مع سيرة ذاتية قبل 2023/3/1
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز
REGULATION of XXXIX Edition – March 31 – April 2, 2023
The organizer of the current edition of the Festival is: House of Culture of Trade Unions in Bistrica, with the support of: Citz Hall Bistriţa (local council), Palace of Culture in Bistrica, National Association of Houses of Culture of Trade Unions in Romania, Union of Romanian Epigrammers , Pomikole Bistrica resort, Society of humorists from Bistrica.
Marul de Aur International Festival of Satire and Humor takes place from March 31 to April 2, 2023 and includes the following competition sections:
I. The satirical graphic section:
The international competition for satirical graphics “Marul de Aur”, Bistrica, 2023, 39th edition, is addressed to all cartoonists from all over the world.
The competition is structured in two subsections:
1. Humorous drawing on the theme: “REDUCTION TO ABSURD”“
2. Portrait on the subject: “URMUZ”
A maximum of 3 works can be submitted.
The drawings will be accompanied by a CV in Romanian or English, which will contain:
first and last name, address, contact phone number, email, country of origin, copy of ID card/passport and IBAN account.
Appearing at the competition with papers in both subsections is mandatory for participants.
The works will be sent in JPG format (300dpi) by email to: ; (phone/fax: 0040 263 233 345; 0040 745 970 250.)
The deadline for sending the works is March 1, 2023, participants will receive confirmation of participation in the competition.
The works selected for awards will be included in the Salon of satirical graphics “Marul de Aur” – 2023.
The works entered in the competition will be evaluated by an international jury composed of prominent personalities in the field.
„GOLDEN APPLE” 2023 / “LA POMME D’OR” 2023
Application form / Fiche d’inscription
Formaţia, grupul, interpretul, creatorul / Band, group, artist, creator:
________________________________________________ __________
Instituţia reprezentată / Represented Institution / Institution représenté:
______________________________________ _____________
Adresa / Adress / AdresseH:
_____________________________________________ _________
Telefon/fax/email / Adress phone/fax/email:
_____________________________________________ _______
Data înJinţării (naşterii) / Foundation date / Date de naissance:
____________________________________________ ______
BI / CI, seria ____ nr. ____________ CNP ___________ ___
Numéro de carte d’identité _____________________ ______
Secţiunea de concurs / Section contest / Catérogie choisi pour le concours:
Repertoriul, manuscrisul, volumul, lucrarea / Repertoire, manuscripts,
volume, work / Répertoire, manuscrits, volume, oeuvre:
_______________________________________ ______
Autor texte / Texts author / Auteur du texte:
________________________________________ _______
Instructor/autor / Instructor/author / Instructeur/auteur:
________________________________________ ________
Titlul volumului/lucrării / Title of volume/work / Titre du volume/travail:
_________________________________________ ________
Regia artistică / Editura / Artistic Director / Publisher: Maison d’Édition /
Éditeur: ________________________________ ________
Participări la alte concursuri / Participation in other competitions /
Participation à d’autre(s) concour(s): ___________ ____________
Număr persoane în grup_______din care_____femei
Number of people in group_____of wich______Women
Nombre de personne dans le groupe_____avec ______femmes.
Data sosirii la Bistriţa / Check Bistriţa / Date d’arrivée à Bistrita:
_____________________________________ _____
Mijloc de transport / Means of transport / Moyen de transport:
_______________________________ ______
Data/Date Semnătura şi ştampila
Signature and stamp/Signature et tampon
_____________ _______ _______
موقع الكارتــون الســـوري
مدير الموقــع: رائد خليـــل
جميع الحقــوق محفوظــة