Winners of  International press cartoon contest “Land and Droughts” 2022, France



Winners of  International press cartoon contest “Land and Droughts” 2022, France

نتائج المسابقة الدولية للصحافة- فرنسا- الأرض والجفاف-2022
الموضوع الأرض والجفاف
شارك في المسابقة238  رساماً من 58 دولة بمجموع أعمال بلغ 421 لوحة

For its 4th international contest, the organizers of Desertif’actions 2022 wanted to deal with a subject of a raw topicality in the countries of the South as well as in the North: “land and droughts”.
This theme follows the previous editions “the earth makes its climate” in Montpellier in 2015, “land and climate, time to act” in Strasbourg in 2017 and “draw me the Great Green Wall” in Ouagadougou in 2019.

 238 cartoonists
 421 drawings
58 countries!

the competition was a great success and 238 cartoonists from 58 countries wrote to us with 421 drawings! This is a wonderful result that shows your commitment to environmental issues. China, France, Iran and Turkey were the four countries with the most entries.

The jury, made up of cartoonists and graphics professionals, examined all the drawings for many hours and came up with a selection of 32 drawings from which it was finally possible to select the two winners of the competition.

 first prize– Victor Solis ,  Mexico
second prize- Toso Borkovic, Serbia

 first prize– Victor Solis ,  Mexico

second prize- Toso Borkovic, Serbia


Director | Raed Khalil
موقع الكارتون الســـوري
مدير الموقع: رائد خليـــل
جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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