Selected cartoonists of Galway Ireland 2022



Selected cartoonists of Galway Ireland 2022

الأسماء المختارة في معرض غالواي إيرالندا
تلقت إدارة المعرض أكثر من 2000 عمل واختارت 90 لوحة للعرض ل45 رساماً

“It is with huge thanks to everyone who sent work for consideration that we announce the artists who were chosen for our 2022 open international exhibition, “Drawing The Line”.
Having received something approaching 2,000 entries this year, our chief regret is that we only had space to hang 90 pieces. We have been able to display nothing more than a brief sample of the cartooning talent that exists in Ireland and around the world.
All the chosen works remain on exhibition at the PorterShed Galway until Sunday October 9th (and will be available as an online gallery after the festival). Please come and enjoy them.

Selected cartoonists

Alagon -Italy
Andrey Selivanov -Russia
Aongus Collins -Ireland
Bahman Jalali Nokandeh -Iran
Brandon Hicks -Canada
Brady Izquierdo Rodríguez -Cuba
Ciaraíoch -Ireland
Cristina Sampaio -Portugal
Dara McGee -Ireland
David Carmody -Ireland
David Hafez -USA
Dean Patterson -Northern Ireland
Dokhshid Ghodratipour -Iran
Doru Axinte -Romania
Evžen David -Czechia
Fabrice Matray -France
Fadi Toon -Norway
Glenn Marshall -UK
Graeme Keyes -Ireland
Harry Burton- Ireland
Hunt Emerson -UK
Ivailo Tsvetkov -Bulgaria
Jabar Saber -Iraq
Joe Boske -Ireland
Joey Mason -USA
Jon Berkeley -Ireland
Jonathon Bomser -USA
Liza Donnelly -USA
Mahboube Pakdel -Iran
Mark Winter -New Zealand
Martyn Turner -Ireland
Milko Dalla Battista -Italy
Nol -France
Philip Witte -USA
Raed Khalil -Syria
Richard Chapman -Ireland
Richie Brennan -Ireland
Salar Eshratkhah -Iran
Shen Hong Li -China
Steve Bell -UK
Teja Fischer- Germany
Til Mette -Germany
Tjeerd Royaards- Netherlands
Tom Mathews -Ireland
Viacheslav Kapreliants -Ukraine



Director  | Raed Khalil
موقع الكارتون الســـوري
مدير الموقع: رائد خليـــل
جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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