the International Exhibition of Graphic Satirical „Monitorul de Suceava “, 4th edition, 2010/ ROMANIA


the International Exhibition of Graphic Satirical „Monitorul de Suceava
” 4th edition, 2010/ ROMANIA

  المشاركون في معرض الصحافة في الدورة الرابعة – رومانيا
258   رساماً من 56 دولة في العالم- عدد الإعمال 718 لوحة
وكان موضوع المسابقة هو ” الصحفي 2010″.

يمكنكم زيارة الموقع

Dear cartoonists,

The registration period at the International Exhibition of Graphic Satirical „Monitorul de Suceava
“, 4th edition, 2010, has ended. “Monitorul de Suceava”, newspaper which has the patronage of
this edition, the organizer of Museum Complex Bucovina and the jury wish all participants good luck …

  exhibition statistics:
258 cartoonists, 718 cartoons, 56 countrieS
On date 6 October 2010, at 12, Bucharest houre,
at the IuliusMall Suceava will begin judging in the contest of cartoons available.
Members of Jury:
Mihai Panzaru Pim – cartoonist
George Licurici – cartoonist
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA – cartoonist


Best regards,


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