The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against Holy Books (like Burning Quran)
The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against Holy Books (like Burning Quran)
معرض الشيطان ضد الكتب المقدسة( حرق القرآن الكريم)
– يمكن إرسال أعمال تتعلق بحرق القرآن الكريم أو رسوم عن تيري جونز الذي دعا إلى حرق القرآن..
– ستوزع جوائز مادية بقيمة 1500 دولار أمريكي للفائزين الثلاثة في كل قسم و10 شهادت شرفية
– ترسل الرسوم قبل 15/2/2011 إلى العنوان التالي على أن يكتب في البريد الالكتروني اسم المسابقة:
The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against Holy Books (like Burning Quran)
We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless
their age from all over the world.
Cartoon: Devil against Holly Books (Like Quran)
Burning Quran!
Devil against Human Nature
Caricature: Terry Jones
Deadline: Feb., 15 ,2011
-The number of sent cartoons is free
-Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your
surname and first name, address,e-mail address
-All participants that their works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue .
-Sent works should be in 200dpi with 1500 pixel width or length
and jpg format.
prizes :
Cartoon section: 1500 $ for 3 cartoonists(each cartoonist 1500$)
Caricature Section: 1500 $ for 3 caricaturists (each caricaturist 1500$)
-10 Honorable Mentions in each section
The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:
The cartoons will be published in the web pages:
The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against …
Exhibition| المعرض