results of International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon “Opera & Ballet”

 نتائج مسابقة الأوبرا والباليه في بولونيا 2010
results of International Competition of Caricature and Cartoon – “Opera & Ballet”
Opera and ballet (history, present time, famous artists etc)
  the jurors were: prof. dr. Henry Isidore Rogacki (Vice-Rector of the Theatre Academy in Warsaw), Michal Bojar (artist, Art Gallery Theatre lot in Warsaw), Marek Wojciech Chmurzynski (Director of the Museum of Caricature), Andrew Zagdański (artist opera singer, baritone) and Jacek Witold Mysyrowicz and Frankowski ( tablet, the members of the Association of Polish Artists of Caricature).

  501 works 198 cartoonist from 44 countries

  شارك في المسابقة 198 فناناً من 44 دولة العالم حول موضوع الباليه والأوبرا، وقد وزعت أغلب الجوائز للفنانين البولونيين، بينما الجوائز الأخرى نالها فنانون من رومانيا
وسلوفاكيا وبلغاريا..



Prize prize: Pawel Kuczynski, Poland

Second Prize: Polakovič Dusan, Slovakia
Third Prize: Andrzej Krawczak, Poland

Honorable Mention:


1-Maciej Olender, Poland
   2- Valentin Georgiev, Bulgaria
 3-Grzegorz Sobczak, Poland

  4-Bill Frąckiewicz, Poland

  5-Pavel Constantin, Romania

For illustration: drawings rewarded P. Kuczynski, and D. Polakoviča



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