Winners of the public vote for “Smiles from the world” contestXV EDITION OF THE TRENTO ECONOMICS FESTIVAL


Winners of the public vote for
“Smiles from the world” contestXV EDITION

الفائزون في التصويت العام لمسابقة ابتسامات من العالم- الإصدار الخامس عشر – مهرجان ترينتو-إيطاليا

The voting is over, thank you for participating!​

Winner of the public vote for “Smiles from the world” contest.
The calculation of the public votes for the XV edition of Festival of Economy of Trento titled “Smiles from the world” has ended, the contest is organised and exhibited on the web by Studio d’Arte Andromeda. Almost 200 artists joined the contest sending their artworks from all over the world, allowing us to be present at this year’s edition of Festival of Economy.

The winners:

First prize:
 – Yustinus Anang Jatmiko (Indonesia)

Second prize:
 – Silvia Detassis (Italy)

Third prize:
– Andrea Gaggero (Italy)

The winning artworks will be published on Studio d’Arte Andromeda’s Instagram and Facebook profiles. We thank all the artists who supported us by sending their artworks and the public who voted, allowing a dynamic exchange, although this year we were able to be present only online. We believe that it’s extremely important to offer a chance for comparison on modern days through drawing and satire, allowing everyone to look at many themes from different points of view.


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Director| Raed Khalil
موقع الكاريكاتور السوري الدولي
رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل
| جميع الحقوق محفوظة|



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