100 Finalist Cartoons are Selected! 12th INTERNATIONAL DON QUICHOTTE CARTOON CONTEST 2020
100 Finalist Cartoons are Selected!
أسماء المختارين في مسابقة دونكيشوت الدولية الثانية عشرة في ألمانيا
الموضوع قل لا للعنف ضد المرأة
كيف تم اختيار المئة كاريكاتير للتصفيات النهائية؟
بحسب اللجنة المنظمة، فقد شارك 394 رسام كاريكاتير من 62 دولة بإجمالي 1.040 لوحة. حددت لجنة الاختيار المؤلفة من فرزانا فيزير تابور (إيران) وشيرين غوليبو (إيران) وأسلي ألبار (تركيا) 100عمل مع إعطاء الأولوية للأعمال التي تعارض العنف والدفاع عن حقوق المرأة وتعكس صورة المرأة القوية ، وليس العنف ضد المرأة.
وقالت اللجنة المنظمة إنهم أغفلوا أسماء الفنانين لتمنح الأعمال التي تستحق وليس منح التواقيع..!
وأرادت اللجنة تغيير الأنماط المتعارف عليها من منح بعض الأسماء دون النظر إلى أهمية العمل المقدم أي التحيز لأسماء بعينها.
ولكن التصريح وقع في مطب التناقض، فأغلب الأعمال صورت واقع العنف وليس العكس..وأعمال أخرى لم ترتقِ للمستوى المطلوب وجاءت مباشرة ومكررة وبعيدة عن الموضوع الرئيس..
أعمال عاطفية ومحاباة وتوصيف أقل مايمكن القول عنه: بائس..!
ومافائدة مسح أسماء الرسامين بعد أن اختارت اللجنة الأسماء التي ترغب في منحها..؟
100 Finalist Cartoons are Selected!
12th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest “No to Violence Against Women!” This project is the scream of women from A to Z. It is the rebellion of women to the male dominant world. With Gaye Donay, Competition Partner, President of Istanbul Thought and Education Association; Sedef Tenim, International Communications Consultant; Elif Özer, Technical Assistant; all Members of the Pre-selection Committee and the Main Selection Committee consist of women. Our goal is to stop violence against women all over the world, to defend women’s rights and gender equality.
How 100 Finalist Cartoons are Selected?
394 cartoonists from 62 countries have participated in our contest with a total of 1.040 cartoons. Pre-Selection Committee members, Farzana Vizier Tabor (Iran), Shirin Gholipo (Iran) and Asli Alpar (Turkey) have identified the 100 finalists out of 1.040 cartoons, with thorough examinations. The most important point in the qualifications is as follows: It’s been decided to give priority to the works that oppose violence, defend women’s rights and reflect the image of strong women, not violence against women. Our second announcement, a month before the competition’s end, has brought the related cartoons in.
As a new application in our competiton, we have closed the signatures of the illustrators and numbered them. Because, in many competitions, we see that the selection committee members reward signatures rather than humor and art. We want to change this biased attitude. Yet, it’s also true that our selection committee as they are active artists of the cartoon world, will be able to guess the names though the styles, we will at least prevent the signature to affect their initial decisions.
When Will the Awards be Determined?
The 100 Finalist cartoons will be posted in social media and on the Don Quichotte website for 2-3 weeks. Similar cartoons, claimed to be copies or stolen ones will be evaluated in this process and disqualified if necessary. Warnings and shares of such that come later, will not be taken into consideration. Towards the end of May, the Main Selection Committee will identify the cartoons that are worthy of an award out of the 100 Finalists. Due to the Coronavirus regulations, our competition program has been changed. Announced earlier as June 3rd Istanbul, the award ceremony and exhibition will be held later. Please follow us for the next announcement.
We would like to share our endless thanks to the cartoonists who have contributed to this international gender struggle and all who have supported this meaningful organization.
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع الكاريكاتور السوري الدولي
رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل
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