The final list of participants”Corona contest” ” We Defeat Coronavirus” أسماء المشاركين في مسابقة نحن نهزم الكورونا
The final list of participants”Corona contest”
” We Defeat Coronavirus”
أسماء المشاركين في مسابقة نحن نهزم الكورونا
مئات الفنانين من 88 دولة شاركوا في المسابقة الدولية التي أقيمت عن الكورونا وبلغ عدد اللوحات المقدمة نحو 2172
تناول فيها الرسامون مواضيع شتى بأساليب وثقافات متنوعة بهدف التصدي للوباء العالمي
The final list of participants”Corona contest”
The deadline for submission is also over and the final list of participants will be posted on the website.Please click here
Our wish is to see the end of the life of this unlucky virus too.
Thank to all dear artists participating in this God-pleasing and benevolent contest, the contest’s regulation is still available on the site to be read. Due to the heavy workload maybe some participant’s names are overlooked, please let us know about it during next 24 hours.
The jury member’s name will be announced in near future. We hope covid-19 pandemic will end, so we can hold the closing ceremony, otherwise we have to hold it online, the related information will be provided through this site.
It should be mentioned that 2172 artworks are uploaded on the site, jury member will check all the works, the artworks are uploaded according to the time and subject matter, and does not mean others are not worthy of consideration.Please Click Here
Artists from 88 countries participated in the contest which is one the rarest events in Iran and also rest of the world.
We do not look for balance sheets or statistics, the participation is due to the significance of the subject.
Thank you for your kindness and participation.
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع الكاريكاتور السوري الدولي
مدير الموقع: رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل
| جميع الحقوق محفوظة|