WPFD Cartoon Competition – Important Update تأجيل المؤتمر العالمي لحرية الصحافة


WPFD Cartoon Competition – Important Update
تأجيل المؤتمر العالمي لحرية الصحافة

قررت وزارة الخارجية الهولندية بالاتفاق مع اليونسكو تأجيل المؤتمر الدولي لحرية الصحافة..وستنشر في الأيام القليلة القادمة القائمة الطويلة التي تضم 75 لوحة اختارتها اللجنة وستقوم إدارة الملتقى بطباعة 10 رسوم بحجم كبير والباقي ستعرض رقمياً أثناء المؤتمر.

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, in close consultation with UNESCO, has decided to postpone the World Press Freedom Conference 2020.
This also means that the cartoon competition/exhibition will be postponed.
The jury did convene this week to select the cartoons that will be part of the exhibition and the winner, but we have chosen to also postpone the announcement of the winner and shortlist of 10 selected cartoons.

Next week, we will publish the longlist of 75 cartoons that were chosen by our jury. 10 of these will be printed on large panels; the rest will be shown digitally during the conference.

We thanks everyone for participating and hope for your understanding.


Director| Raed Khalil

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