Voting in PORTOCARTOON 2019 تصويت في مهرجان بورتو الدولي في البرتغال


Voting in PORTOCARTOON 2019
تصويت في  مهرجان بورتو الدولي في البرتغال

الموضوع لغات العالم

PortoCartoon 2019
Is open to vote on-line

The choice of the Public Award for the 21st PortoCartoon-World Festival, is already available for online voting.

This is a worldwide voting for choosing the best of 14 cartoons, independently of the choice of the international jury of the contest.
The cartoons (the awarded and the honorable mentions) can be seen online. The works were received from different countries such as: Germany (1), Austria (1), Australia (1) Belgium (2), Bulgaria (1) Croatia (2) Spain (1), Indonesia (1), Iran (1), Romania (1), Russia (1) and Turkey (1).
The choice of the public can be done until the end of December.
The winner author will be invited to participate in PortoCartoon 2020 with an author exhibition.

Director| Raed Khalil

موقع الكاريكاتور السوري الدولي
مدير الموقع: رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل
| جميع الحقوق محفوظة|




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