Special Award of BCF2International Cartoon Exhibition/ Indonesia ننائج معرض بي سي اف 2 الدولي في اندونيسيا


Special Award of BCF2International Cartoon Exhibition/ Indonesia
ننائج معرض بي سي اف 2 الدولي في اندونيسيا

شارك في المعرض 90 رساماً من 23 دولة..وتعد مشاركة قليلة بالمقارنة مع معارض دولية أخرى..
ونلاحظ هذا الضعف من خلال الأعمال المختارة والمقدمة للمعرض..فأغلب الرسوم مكررة وبعضها الآخر لهواة وليس لمحترفين

منحت 3 جوائز خاصة لـفنانين من البرازيل والصين واندونيسيا

150 cartoons / 90 cartoonists / 23 country 

In conjunction with the Borobudur Cartoonist Forum 2 (BCF2) and Borobudur International Cartoon Exhibition, Amarusa Parama as the organizer of the events give Special Awards, with a modest reward in the amount of IDR 2,000,000.
Special Award were given to the three cartoons coming from Brazil, China. and Indonesia.

According to The Secret Team : decision, the three selected cartoons is considered to be in accordance with the BCF2’s theme: The Visual Age (Century).

The three selected are: Silvano Mello, from Brazil,
Hou Xiaoqiang, from China;
and Boedy Hp, from Indonesia

The Borobudur International Cartoon Exhibition will be held in Bumayasasta Boutique Art Gallery, Borobudur, 22-23 September 2018


Note : Please  provide  source
*- يرجى ذكر المصدر تحت طائلة المساءلة القانونية

Raed Khalil

موقع الكاريكاتور السوري
مدير الموقع:
رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل
جميع الحقوق محفوظة





Special Award
In conjunction with the Borobudur Cartoonist Forum 2 (BCF2) and Borobudur International Cartoon Exhibition, Amarusa Parama as the organizer of the events give Special Awards, with a modest reward in the amount of IDR 2,000,000. 
Special Award were given to the three cartoons coming from Brazil, China. and Indonesia.

According to The Secret Team 🙂 decision, the three selected cartoons is considered to be in accordance with the BCF2’s theme: The Visual Age (Century).

The three selected are: Silvano Mello, from Brazil, Hou Xiaoqiang, from China; and Boedy Hp, from Indonesia.
The Borobudur International Cartoon Exhibition will be held in Bumayasasta Boutique Art Gallery, Borobudur, 22-23 September 2018

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