The Results Of XIV International Drawing Competition Satirical karpik 2016, Poland نتائج كاربيك بولندا


The Results Of XIV International Drawing Competition Satirical karpik 2016, Poland
نتائج كاربيك بولندا

The jury at the meeting on 7 October 2016., Composed of Zbigniew Wozniak – chairman, Michael Graczyk, Jaroslaw Stojko, Margaret Biedron, Agnieszka Kucharuk, established as follows:

GRAND PRIX receives Belniak Bartholomew, Poland

Maciej TRZEPALKA, Poland
Tomasz RZESZUTEK,Poland

Prizes Agricultural Market Agency Regional Branch in Opole
prize – Jiri Novak, Czech Republic
II prize – Izabela Wieczorek-Kowalska, Poland
Third Prize – Konstantin Kazanchev, Ukraine

Award of the Museum of Caricature in Warsaw
Award of the Association of Polish Caricature Artists
Henry CEBULA, Poland
Award Firms Ornament from Nysa – Krzysztof Suski (Poland)
Award entrepreneurs operating in the Association Movement of Regional Development Nysa
Daniel Strzelczyk (Poland)

Association Award movement of Regional Development Nysa – Jiri Srna (Czech Republic)
Award Envoy of the Parliament of the Republic of Polish Tomasz Kostusia – Bretislav Kovarik (Czech Republic)
Award Moszna Castle – Slawomir Makal (Poland)
Award Moszna Castle – Peter Opalka (Poland)

Honorable (diplomas)
Paolo DALPONTE, Italy
Sittipunt Tumyig, Thailand
Andrzej Krawczak, Poland
Vladimir Kazanevsky, Ukraine
Dariusz Pietrzak, Poland

Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة




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