21th Euro –Kartoenale EUROPEAN CARTOON CONTEST 2017 بينالي يوروكارتونال في بلجيكا الدورة


            21th Euro –Kartoenale EUROPEAN CARTOON CONTEST 2017
بينالي يوروكارتونال في بلجيكا الدورة 21

الموضوع: الروح
ترسل الرسوم عبر الرابط التالي
ستوزع العيد من الجوائز

Dear Madam, Sir,

theme:the soul

For the 21th time already our association is organizing its biennial cartoon contest.

In the first place we would like to thank all participants of the previous editions for their ontinued participation in this contest. The increase in the number of participans, entries and participating countries, and especially the quality of your work, proves the trust you put in our organization.

New in this edition is that you can upload your drawings by a new online platform.
To do this you have to register first on www.ecc-kruishoutem.be/register

1. If you did receive an invitation to participate at your home adress, you also did receive a personal code. Please always use this personal code to register!

2. If you don’t have a personal code, you can register by entering your e-mail address

Of course you can still enter your works by traditional post:

Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem – c/a Waregemsesteenweg 113 – 9770 Kruishoutem

تبریز تونز

تبریز تونز

تبریز تونز

تبریز تونز

Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة




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