SARDINE CONTEST FESTAS DE LISBOA’16 مسابقة السردين الدولية في البرتغال
مسابقة السردين الدولية في البرتغال
يمكن المشاركة ب3 رسوم حول موضوع: السردين وبقياس 29×42سم على أن تصل الرسوم قبل 16/3/2016
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية والشرفية
Article 1
1. “Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’16” is the initiative of EGEAC, Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e
Animação Cultural, E.M. (hereinafter called EGEAC), that aims to stimulate the participation of all in creating
the image of the sardines that will be used as part of Festas de Lisboa’16 campaign.
2. The patrimonial author rights over the winning sardines belong exclusively and originally to EGEAC,
according to Article 14, nr. 1 of the Portuguese Code of Copyright and Related Rights which includes the
rights foresee in articles 67º and 68º of the same Code such as the reproduction, distribution and the
communication to the public, which includes, namely, the disclosure, the publication in press or by any other
means of graphic reproduction, public exposure, fixation, distribution, broadcasting by any process of sign,
sound or image reproduction, the adaptation to any material support or the execution of any other
transformations, the use in another work, the reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent by
any means and in any form, in whole or in part.
3. The patrimonial author rights are EGEAC’s property definitively and without time limit.
4. For purposes of Article 14, nr. 4, of the above mentioned Portuguese Code, the use of the selected and
winner proposals for the purposes laid down in this regulation, does not confer upon its author(s) the right
to any further financial provision or to any other benefit in kind, being the copyright originally, for those
purposes, in the property of EGEAC.
5. The use for other purposes than those specified in this Regulation, in particular in commercial projects,
such as publications or merchandising for sale, will be subject to prior contact with the concerned authors.
6. Not winning proposals, when used by its authors or a third party, must include a reference to the
participation in the Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’16. Prior knowledge of any use should be given to
7. The participation in the “Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’16”, by submitting a sardine proposal implies
the total acceptance of the conditions presented in this Regulation.
Article 2
(Conditions for participation)
1. This contest is open to all Portuguese and foreign, resident and non-resident in Portugal, legal or natural
persons of all ages.
2. EGEAC workers as well as their spouses, ascendants and descendants are impeded to apply to the
“Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’16”.
3. Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively (co-authored); each author is allowed to submit a
maximum of three sardine proposals.
4. The candidates are responsible for the proposal’s originality, assuring its authorship and assuming all the
responsibilities that may run from eventual complaints from third parties with relation to author rights,
related rights and rights of personality.
Article 3
1. Questions regarding this Regulation should be sent to the following email address:
2. The solutions for the situations mentioned above in the present article, as well as for the omissive
situations, are EGEAC’s exclusive responsibility and will be disclosed by it and by the means considered
Article 4
(Proposals essential requirements)
1. The submitted sardine proposals shall be mandatorily original and unpublished.
2. Proposals must be recognized as sardines and not to be confused with any other fish. A basic sardine
silhouette is provided in .
3. Sardine proposals may be executed with manual or digital techniques, under the following conditions:
a) proposals in manual techniques (on paper/cardboard, collage, photography or three-dimensional
object) should be photographed or scanned in order to be attached to the application form as a file.
The file should be presented as JPEG/JPG (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a
resolution of 300 dpi;
b) the digital proposals should be presented as JPEG/JPG files (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3
(42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi;
c) the video proposals should be presented as MPEG/MPG or MOV files (size up to 50 MB).
4. Sardine proposals cannot contain any element of identification of its author(s) or any brand label,
including Festas de Lisboa label.
Article 5
(Mode, place and date of submission of proposals)
1. Participation in this contest only takes place online on the website .
2. The candidates should firstly register and login on the above mentioned website
3. Each sardine proposal should be attached, as a file, on the application form on the website, by fill in the
application form.
4. To each sardine proposal an application form should be filled in and submitted.
5. Other situations specified and pre-determined on the website (
a) Underage candidates: the registry should be done under the author’s name. The parents/legal
guardian details are also requested in the registry and should be filled in;
b) Institutions: Schools and NGO’s may also apply. The registry should be done under the institution’s
name, but a responsible person should be appointed and duly identified in the registry.
Article 6
(Contest Phases)
1st phase: Reception of proposals and exclusion of those that don’t fulfil this Regulation;
2nd phase: Selection of 5 (five) sardine winning proposals, from among all proposals validated for the Contest.
Article 7
1. Five (5) sardines will be awarded.
2. To each winning proposal it will be given a monetary prize, in the amount of € 2,000.00 (two thousand
euros), tax free.
3. Prizes can only be given upon presentation of the candidate’s legal receipt.
Article 8
(Contest Jury)
1. All the proposals accepted are selected by a jury appointed by EGEAC.
2. Proposals are selected anonymously, without any identifying element of their authors.
3. The jury will take into consideration the following factors in selecting the winning proposals sardines:
a) the readability and the adaptability of the proposal to the different communication materials.
b) the originality and creativity of the proposal.
4. Jury’s decisions are taken by majority, not permitting any recourse or reclaim over them.
Article 9
(Contest Schedule and divulgation)
1. The schedule to be considered by the candidates is:
a) Deadline for proposal submission: 16th of March 2016; the proposals will only be considered valid
since presented until 6 p.m. of the mentioned day;
b) Deadline for announcement of winning proposals by Jury selection: 31th of May 2016.
2. The winners (of the five prizes) will be informed by email or telephone.
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة