International Aylan Cartoon & Illustration Exhibition 2015, Iranمسابقة أيلان الدولية في إيران


 International Aylan Cartoon & Illustration Exhibition 2015, Iran
مسابقة أيلان الدولية في إيران

الموضوع الطفل أيلان
يمكن المشاركة ب5 رسوم و200 دي بي آي
ترسل الأعمال قبل 30/9/2015

ستوزع العديد من الجوائز الشرفية

This enormous world had no room for the little fish. Even the sea waves could not be a cradle for its homelessness, and just like a broken doll, it was thrown onto the shore. Words cannot express this innocence. Let’s artfully picture the story of the tiny fish, Aylan.
Technique: Free
Maximum sending artworks: 5 Artworks in each section (Illustration & Cartoons)
Size: Artworks must be by format (Jpg) minimum 2000 pixel by 200 DPI dimensions
Participants Must Send Their (Photo, Full Name, Post Address, Email Address, Phone Number) Via Word File.
All Participants That Their Cartoons Publish In Catalog Will Receive One Catalog.
Theme: Aylan Kurdi
Cartoon section:
First Prize: Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize: Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize: Trophy and Honorable Mention
Illustration section:
First Prize: Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize: Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize: Trophy and Honorable Mention.
Please send your artworks via email:
Deadline For Sending Artworks: September 30, 2015
Tel: +98 21 88 911 214
+98 21 88 911 215
Fax: +98 21 88 911 219
with collaboration:

Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة



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