winners of 6th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2015 “SPYING” نتائج مسابقة برلين الدولية السادسة


winners of 6th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2015 /SPYING
نتائج مسابقة برلين الدولية السادسة

Dear Friends of Cartoons
We would like to inform you that you about the winners of the contest
Contestants: 567 cartoonists
Cartoons: 1187
Countries: 81

Here are the winners:

1st Prize – Golden He-Goat + Certificate:  Semendyaev, Sergey (Ukraine)
2nd Prize – Silver He-Goat + Certificate: Hackebeil, Dieter (Germany)
3rd Prize – Bronze He-Goat + Certificate: Kosanovic, Milenko (Serbia)
Audience Award – Certificate: Kim, Jean (USA)
KURTUKUNST Gallery Prize – Certificate: Topan, Cristian (Romania)
LIMES Prize – Certificate: Nawrot, Pawel (Poland)

Awards – Certificates:
Tarasenko, Valeri (Russia)
Sadeghi, Saeed (Iran)
Lintao, Fan (China)
Babic, Sava (Serbia)

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Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة





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