results of the 2nd Nels Bugge Cartoon Award-2014 نتائج مسابقة الدانمارك الدولية الثانية


results of  the 2nd Nels Bugge Cartoon Award-2014
نتائج مسابقة الدانمارك الدولية الثانية

Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2014 was a fascinating contest. It is always a new experience when you see how the thinking of the artists are quite different the ones from the others. We have got extraordinary artists with brilliant ideas. Unfortunately there are only three prizes. At the end mathematics help us. The cartoonist who has the most points finally… wins. The three winners are great cartoonists and brilliant thinkers.
Andrei Popov, from Russia, was from the beginning at the top , with all three cartoons he sent us. Of course he could win only one prize. The first one. A romantic with subtle, reflective humor and a sharp style.
Bruce Mackinnon, from Canada, after many questions we were asked, finally with one cartoon… won the second prize. A brilliant artist with a clear strong line, raw, until it hurts.
Pawel Kuczynski, from Poland, someone who calls us to reflect. The message is understandable only at the second look. Fairy beautiful work, romantic, quiet, striking painting. His picture could tell us many, many things.
We celebrate and congratulate the winners.


Raed Khalil

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