International Drawing Contest to fight against forced labor معرض فرنسي عن حقوق العمال- موقع الكاريكاتير السوري- رائد خليل
International Drawing Contest to fight against forced labor
معرض فرنسي عن حقوق العمال- موقع الكاريكاتير السوري- رائد خليل
الموضوع حقوق العمال
يمكن إرسال الرسوم عبر الرابط التالي مباشرة بحجم 21×29سم و 300 دي بي آي
اضغط هنا
Anyone can participate to our drawing contest !
join the contest!
Draw a picture or cartoon representing one or several fundamental labour rights. To enter the contest, upload your drawings below. For more exposure, post them on our facebook page too!
Today, more than 21 million people in the world are the victims of forced labour, most of whom in Asia. This issue has come to the forefront with the 2022 Football World Cup to be held in Qatar
Labour rights do exist, but all too rarely are they enforced
Specialising in the supply chain and labour rights, RHSF (Human Resources Without Borders), in partnership with the NGO Tenaganita, believes that informing workers of their rights is key in tackling this issue
Labour rights are inaccessible to workers as they are often illegible or in a language that is foreign to them
Drawings are a way to overcome these barriers. They will give us a means to inform and make workers aware of their rights in a concise and instinctive manner
You will thereby be able to contribute your artistic talent to the defense of human rights
draw one or several of these fundamental rights
The right to keep one’s identity documents
The right of movement within and outside the company; the right to leave one’s employer
The right to sign a contract and to keep a copy. This contract must be identical to the one signed in the country of origin
Recruitment fees are payable by the employer
The absence of physical and psychological violence. The right to health and safety
The right to equal pay for equal work. The right to equal treatment
Overtime should not be mandatory and paid on the same basis as local workers
find out more…
For more information or details, we recommend that you read our comprehensive report on forced labour here. You may also listen to the testimony of our Malaysian partner, Tenaganita.
Send us your drawings representing one or several of these fundamental rights
Drawings may not include text or captions
Any technique is accepted
Submission in the form of digital jpeg files, A4 format, 300 dpi resolution
You may use the upload file tool provided below. You may also post your drawings directly on our facebook page. Warning! Only the files uploaded on this page will be entered in the contest
An initial selection will be made by workers themselves, in order ensure that drawings are understood by everyone (remember, no text…)
Our jury of professional artists, presided by Plantu and made up of cartoonists from Cartooning for Peace as well as other professionals, will then select the drawings to be disseminated
Once all the drawings are collected, the validation process and selection made, we will contact you personally
Your drawings will then be distributed widely from May 1st, 2014 – via our network of NGOs – in factories and at target companies. Exhibitions are also planned
By participating, cartoonists relinquish their rights to the contest organizers to freely use their drawings with no financial compensation
You have until May 1st, 2014 to send your drawings
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة