International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon / Romania ….مسابقة مجلة الملح والفلفل الدولية في رومانيا


International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon / Romania
 مسابقة مجلة الملح والفلفل الدولية  في رومانيا

الموضوع: عيد الميلاد وعطلات رأس السنة الجديدة …يمكن إرسال عملين كحد أقصى عبر الايميل
على أن تصل الرسوم قبل
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز..


visual artists & cartoonists over 18 years old,
regardless of their gender, nationality or country of residence, to participate as individuals
in the online
E X H I B I T I O N   O F  W I N T H E R ‘ S  H O L I D A Y S “Christmas & Co.”
1. Theme
Christmas & New Year Holidays

2. Art Works
illustrations & cartoons
number of works: max. 2 (two)
format: jpeg, jpg
good quality images of signed works
max. 300 kb/work, no more 300dpi resolution but suitable for online presentation
only works without text are accepted (text means one or more letters / digits / special characters)
no works with “adult content” will be accepted, regardless of their artistic quality
organizers own the right do not admit works that may attempt against individual and/or collective rights
3. Technique
is free of choice of the artist but no photographic or 3D art

4. Addresse
send by e-mail, only:
are accepted only works send by the author himself
5. Deadline
December 20th, 2013

6. Other specifications
The works will be exhibited on Salt & Pepper Magazine’s website by December 2013

I N T E R N A T I O N A L  E X H I B I T I O N S

Mrs. Irina IOSIP
visual artist
Founder & Editor of:
Salt & Pepper Magazine

Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة ©

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