Greek international competition Draw a caricature 2013 ….مسابقة اليونان الدولية الأولى
Greek international competition Draw a caricature 2013
مسابقة اليونان الدولية الأولى
الموضوع:الجوع..أنا جائع
يرسل عمل واحد فقط قبل26/10/2013
إلى الايميل التالي
وستوزع جائزة وحيدة
Subject: ( ( hunger) ) or (( I ‘m hungry ) )
1 -should send us one fee 1
2 -PRO __ contest over the age of 18 years old
3- Send Business in 300 Jbj format
4 – Action Draw an interview 2013__ does not accept the work prior to that date
5_ Send your business on the following email address:
6-The deadline for receipt of applications your competition 26/10/2013
One award : financial
Awarded to the best drawing attached to the testimony of our own institution (Greece)
Value (1700) Aero cash”
Seven certificates of appreciation from Greece __ institution humans live …
Greece _ Athens _ International human lives Corporation _
No. 67456_
General Manager: Edward Haven
Henry Carrisi
30 + 565 375 699
Director| Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة