The Results of 7th International Biennial for Caricature Masters of caricature -Plovdiv 2013 ….نتائج مسابقة بينالي بلوفديف-بلغاريا


The Results of 7th International Biennial for Caricature Masters of caricature -Plovdiv 2013
نتائج مسابقة بينالي بلوفديف-بلغاريا

Screening and selection of caricature works was conducted by a jury composed of:

Tsocho Peev – Plovdiv Cartoonist Association, cartoonist
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Eng. Dimitar Dimitrov – Rector of HSAC – Plovdiv, cartoonist
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Angel Yankov – Director, REM – Plovdiv
Sonya Semerdzhieva – Head Curator, REM – Plovdiv
Yanko Kavrakov – artist, REM – Plovdiv

After secret vote, jury decides:
1. Announces  Masters of caricature  for the Seventh edition of biennale 2013 the following authors:
Oleg Gutsol /BELARUS
Jovcho Savov/ BULGARIA
Dimitar Atanasov/BULGARIA
Doru Axinte /ROMANIA
Sava Babić/ SERBIA

2. Artists, nominated for conferred a diploma:
Marina Gorelova /BELARUS
Luc Descheemaeker/ BELGIUM
Veselin Zidarov/ BULGARIA
Ivelin Stoyanov /BULGARIA
Miroslav Bozhkov /BULGARIA
Miro Georgievski /MACEDONIA
Serik Kulmeshkenov/ USA
Nikolay Sviridenko /UZBEKISTAN
Halit Kurtulmuş /TURKEY
Erdogan Başol/TURKEY
Valeriy Mohilniy /UKRAINE
Olena Tsuranova /UKRAINE

Special prize of the Rector UARD – Prof., Dr. Eng. Dimitar Dimitrov:
Konstantin Anastasov /BULGARIA.


Raed Khalil

موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة




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