Romanian great artist Cristian Marcu passed away yesterday at the age of 53 …رحيل الروماني كريستيان ماركو


Romanian great artist Cristian Marcu passed
away yesterday at the age of 53
رحيل الروماني كريستيان ماركو

28 June 2012 Our great friend and colleague Cristiam Marcu is died.
We all mourn deeply. Let us pray for the eternal peace of his soul.
We believe the cartoonists will not die, they are alive in their
works for ever. It was a tragic event because he was young.
It is difficult to believe that Marcu is not between us,
Irancartoon made a group for him with the name of
Cristian Marcu in facebook.
Please join us for memorize him in this link, God bless him.

Date of Birth:1959,29 January at Galati, Romania
Studies: The High School.
Profession: Cartoonist, illustrator.
Activity in Book illustrations, Cartoons, Animated Cartoons.
Cartoons and illustrations printed in magazines and newspapers
of Romania and other countries. Yugoslavia,
Hungary, Poland, U.S.A., Germany, Moldavia and …
Participation in Many international exhibitions Such as
Canada, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Turkey,
Many prizes at National and International exhibitions


Raed Khalil

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